Man pages for eiwild
Ecological Inference with individual and aggregate data

alphaCheckalphaCheck function
betaCheckbetaCheck function
calcmfrowcalculate mfrow
calcWhichCellcalculating cell number
comPlotPlot Diagnostics to compare eiwild objects
convertEiDataExtracting important values for ecological Inference
getBalanceget profit and loss of partys
indAggEiEcological Inference including Individual Data
plot.eiwildPlot diagnostics for an eiwild Object
plotResultplots result of the voter transition table
prioriPlotplots beta^{rc} given hyperpriori parameters
rollMeancalculate rolling mean up to each iteration
runMBayesMetropolis Algorithm for ecological Inference
summary.eiwildsummary method for 'eiwild'-object
topleveldataggregate and individual data of election 3x4-table
trimEiwildTrims eiwild-object
tuneVarsGenerate Variance parameters for proposal density
eiwild documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:31 p.m.