exams2grasple: Generation of Exercises in Grasple Format

View source: R/exams2grasple.R

exams2graspleR Documentation

Generation of Exercises in Grasple Format


Automatic generation of exercises in JSON format for the e-learning platform Grasple.


exams2grasple(file, n = 1L, dir = ".", name = NULL, quiet = TRUE,
  resolution = 100, width = 4, height = 4, svg = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8",
  envir = NULL, engine = NULL,
  converter = "pandoc-mathjax", zip = TRUE, use_solutionlist = TRUE,
  license_name = NULL, license_description = NULL, license_value = NULL,
  license_link = NULL, ...)

make_exams_write_grasple(name = NULL, license_name = NULL,
  license_description = NULL, license_value = NULL, license_link = NULL,
  zip = TRUE, use_solutionlist = TRUE)



character. A specification of a (list of) exercise files.


integer. The number of copies to be compiled from file.


character. The default is the current working directory.


character. A name prefix for resulting ZIP file.


logical. Should output be suppressed when calling xweave and texi2dvi.

resolution, width, height

numeric, passed to xweave.


logical. Should graphics be rendered in SVG or PNG (default)?


character, ignored. The encoding is always assumed to be UTF-8.


argument passed to xweave (which passes it to knit).


argument passed to xweave indicating whether "Sweave" (default) or "knitr" should be used for rendering Rnw exercises.


character passed on to make_exercise_transform_html, indicating the type of converter from LaTeX/Markdown to the specific requirements in Grasple. To accomplish this the converter must be set to "pandoc-mathjax".


logical. Should the resulting JSON file(s) be zipped?


logical. By default it is assumed that for schoice items the solutionlist contains separate feedback for each option. If set to FALSE the general feedback is placed in the solutionlist for each option separately.

license_name, license_description, license_value, license_link

character, arguments for specifying the copyright license for the exercise(s). Defaults to "Non-explicit license".


arguments passed on to xexams.


exams2grasple generates exercises in the JSON format for Grasple using xexams. It proceeds by (1) calling xweave on each exercise, (2) reading the resulting Markdown or LaTeX text, (3) transforming the text to Markdown, and (4) embedding the Markdown text into the JSON format for Grasple.

For steps (1) and (2) the standard drivers in xexams are used. For step (3) a suitable transformation function is set up on the fly using make_exercise_transform_html. For step (4) a simple writer function is set up on the fly that embeds the transformed Markdown code into a hard-coded JSON template using toJSON and writes a JSON file for each exercise and by default bundles the collection in a ZIP file.

Note that Grasple only officially supports schoice and num items, and hence other item types are not supported in the current version of exams2grasple either. If the function is used for other types the execution of the function is stopped and a warning is issued.

For num exercises the content as specified under the solution environment in the Rmd/Rnw files is presented as feedback in Grasple. By contrast, for schoice items Grasple requires separate feedback for each option. This can be accomplished in two ways. First (the default), by putting unique feedback for each option in the items of the solutionlist in the Rmd/Rnw file. Second by putting a general feedback in the solution environment and setting use_solutionlist to FALSE, which creates a solutionlist with this general feedback for each option.

If the meta-information of an exercise contains an exsection element, its content will be transferred to the name element of the JSON-file. This name element is searchable in Grasple. In the ShareStats project the exsection element is used for classifying items in terms of its taxonomy of topics in statistics education.

Within the HTML of Grasple exercises, LaTeX elements must be embedded within \\(\\) blocks. After conversion using "pandoc-mathjax" the function employs further tweaks to meet Grasple's requirements. Also, in case of displaying multiline equations Grasple only allows for using the align environment. Environments eqnarray and eqnarray* are automatically converted into align. It is uncertain how pandoc deals with other multiline environments.


A list of exercises as generated by xexams is returned invisibly.


Grasple - Open Education (2022). Format for Open Interactive Math Exercises. https://github.com/grasple/open-format


## load package and enforce par(ask = FALSE)
options(device.ask.default = FALSE)

## define a list of exercises
myexam <- list(

## output directory
dir.create(mydir <- tempfile())

## Not run: 
## generate .zip with Grasple exercises and use general feedback
exams2grasple(myexam, dir = mydir, use_solutionlist = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

exams documentation built on Aug. 5, 2024, 3 p.m.