WFEStatistics: WFE Statistics

WFEStatisticsR Documentation

WFE Statistics


Data sets of financial and economic market statistics from the data available from the exchange data collected by the World Federation of Stock Exchanges.

To load statistics from the WFE:

data(wfe1) Market capitalization of domestic companies,
data(wfe2) Total number of companies with shares listed,
data(wfe3) Total value of share trading,
data(wfe4) Market value of bonds listed,
data(wfe5) Total value of bond trading, and
data(wfe6) Price earning ratio an gross dividend yield.


Diethelm Wuertz for the Rmetrics R-port.


WFE, 2004, World Federation of Stock Exchanges, Focus 2004,


## Barplot from WFE Capitalization Statistics:
   # Extract Capitalization of/at:
   # NYSE: 7, Tokyo: 37, London: 22, Frankfurt: 15
   # 1991 - 2003 triannual: 3,6,9,12,15
   Table = t(wfe1[c(7,37,22,15),c(3,6,9,12,15)])/1e6
   colnames(Table) = c("NewYork", "Tokyo", "London", "Frankfurt")
   rownames(Table) = as.character(seq(1991, 2003, by = 3))
   # Create Barplot:
   barplot(Table, beside = TRUE, legend = rownames(Table),
     col = c("lightblue", "mistyrose", "lightcyan", "lavender", "cornsilk"))
   title(main = "Stock Market Capitalization\n 1991 - 2003")
   mtext("Source: World Federation of Exchanges", side = 4, 
     line = -2, cex = 0.7) 

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