Man pages for fMarkovSwitching
R Package for Estimation, Simulation and Forecasting of a Univariate Markov Switching Model

depExample of dependent/explained Variable for Markov switching...
dim.MS_ModelFunction to Get the dimension/Size of Markov Switching...
fMarkovSwitching-packagePackage for Estimation, Simulation and Forecasting of a...
indepExample of independent/explanatory Variable for Markov...
MS_Model-classDefinitions for Class "MS_Model"
MS_Regress_FitFunction to Estimate a Markov Switching Regression
MS_Regress_ForFunction to Forecast a Markov Switching Model in t+1
MS_Regress_LikThe likelihood function for a General Markov Switching Model
MS_Regress_SimulFunction to Simulate a Time Series based on Markov Switching...
MS_Simul-classA Class for the Simulation of a Markov Switching Time Series...
plot.MS_ModelFunction to Plot the Fitted Processes of a Markov Switching...
plot.MS_SimulFunction to Plot a Simulated Markov Switching Process
print.MS_ModelFunction to Print (output to screen) a Markov Switching Model
print.MS_SimulFunction to Print a Markov Switching Simulation Object
fMarkovSwitching documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:58 p.m.