flightcallr-package: Classify Night Flight Calls Based on Acoustic Measurements

Description Details Author(s)


flightcallr uses the seewave package to generate acoustic

measurements ("features") of sounds, and then trains and uses random

forest models to make predictions based on these features. Accuracy

can be constrained via cross-validation. Convenience functions for

reading and writing Raven selection tables are included.


Package: flightcallr
Type: Package
Title: Classify Night Flight Calls Based on Acoustic Measurements
Version: 0.04
Date: 2013-07-30
Author: Jesse C. Ross
Depends: seewave, tuneR, randomForest, ROCR, R (>= 2.10)
Maintainer: Jesse C. Ross <jross@cornell.edu>
License: GPL-3


Jesse C. Ross

flightcallr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:49 p.m.