fusedanova: Fit a Fused ANOVA model

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also Examples


Adjust a penalized ANOVA model with Fused-LASSO (or Total Variation) penality, ie. a sum of weighted l1-norm on the difference of each coefficient. See details below.





matrix (or column vector) which rows represent individuals and columns independant variables.


vector or factor giving the class of each individual. If missing, 1:nrow(x) is used (clustering mode with one individual per class).


list of additional parameters to overwrite the defaults of the fitting procedure. Include :

  • weights: character; which type of weights is supposed to be used. The supported weights are : "default", "laplace", "gaussian", "adaptive", "naivettest", "ttest", "welch" and "personal". Se details below. By default, its value is "default".

  • gamma: numeric; the gamma parameter needed for "laplace", "gaussian" and "adaptive" weights. By default, 0.

  • W: numeric matrix; the matrix of weights needed if the "personal" weights were selected. By default, a matrix with zero row and zero column.

  • standardize: logical; should each variable be standardized before the calculus ? By default, TRUE.

  • splits: integer; coding for forcing split or nosplit algorithms :

    • 0 : Default value, let the programm decide which algorithm to use depending on the choosen weights.

    • 1 : Forces the algorithm not to take the splits into account.

    • 2 : Forces the algorithm to take the splits into account even if the solution paths contains no split.

    Note : For the moment, only the no split algorithm has been coded. Please ensure that your weights choice leads to the no split algorithm or set split to 1.

  • epsilon: numeric; tolerance parameter for numeric calculations. By default, eps. Note : this is currently not used.

  • checkargs: logical; should arguments be checked to (hopefully) avoid internal crashes? Default is TRUE. Automatically set to FALSE when a call is made from cross-validation

  • lambdalist: numeric vector; a set of lambda value for which a prediction is asked. By default, a null vector. If the length of lambdalist is not 0, the fusedanova class returnded by the fusedanova function will have a not null attribute prediction.

  • mc.cores: integer; the number of cores to use. The default uses all the cores available.

  • verbose: boolean; should the code print out its progress. By default, FALSE.

  • mxSplitSize: integer; the maximum size for a group for being checked the cores available.


an object with class fusedanova, see the documentation page fusedanova for details.

The optimization problem solved by fused-ANOVA is

βhat λ1 = argminβ sumk sum_i (Yik - &betak)2 + λ sumk,l wk,l | βk - βl |,

where Y_ik is the intensity of a continuous random variable for sample i in condition k and beta_k is the mean parameter of condition k. We denote by K the total number of conditions and n_k the number of sample in each condition.

More details related to the weights are coming...

See Also

See also fusedanova, plot,fusedanova-method and cv.fa.


## Not run: 
fa.laplace <- fusedanova(x=aves$weight, class=aves$family, weights="laplace", gamma=5)
plot(fa.laplace, labels=aves$order)

fa.ttest <- fusedanova(x=aves$weight, class=aves$family, weights="naivettest")
plot(fa.ttest, labels=aves$order)

fa.ada <- fusedanova(x=aves$weight, class=aves$family, weights="adaptive", gamma=2)
plot(fa.ada, labels=aves$order)

## End(Not run)

fusedanova2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:26 p.m.