adjacency: Adjacent cells

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples


Identify pairs of cells that are adjacent.







Extracts the indices of those cells that are connected (e.g. cells i,j that have a non-zero value in the transition matrix).

Cell numbers are unique indices of cells in the original grid. By convention, cell numbers start with 1 in the upper-left corner of the grid and increase from left to right and from top to bottom.


A two column matrix with each row containing a pair of adjacent cells.


Jacob van Etten

See Also



r <- raster(nrows=6, ncols=7, xmn=0, xmx=7, ymn=0, ymx=6, crs="+proj=utm +units=m")
r[] <- runif(6*7)
T <- transition(r, function(x) 1/mean(x), 8) 

Example output

Loading required package: raster
Loading required package: sp
Loading required package: igraph

Attaching package: 'igraph'

The following object is masked from 'package:raster':


The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    decompose, spectrum

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


Loading required package: Matrix

Attaching package: 'gdistance'

The following object is masked from 'package:igraph':


NOTE: rgdal::checkCRSArgs: no proj_defs.dat in PROJ.4 shared files
NOTE: rgdal::checkCRSArgs: no proj_defs.dat in PROJ.4 shared files
       [,1] [,2]
  [1,]    2    1
  [2,]    8    1
  [3,]    9    1
  [4,]    1    2
  [5,]    3    2
  [6,]    8    2
  [7,]    9    2
  [8,]   10    2
  [9,]    2    3
 [10,]    4    3
 [11,]    9    3
 [12,]   10    3
 [13,]   11    3
 [14,]    3    4
 [15,]    5    4
 [16,]   10    4
 [17,]   11    4
 [18,]   12    4
 [19,]    4    5
 [20,]    6    5
 [21,]   11    5
 [22,]   12    5
 [23,]   13    5
 [24,]    5    6
 [25,]    7    6
 [26,]   12    6
 [27,]   13    6
 [28,]   14    6
 [29,]    6    7
 [30,]   13    7
 [31,]   14    7
 [32,]    1    8
 [33,]    2    8
 [34,]    9    8
 [35,]   15    8
 [36,]   16    8
 [37,]    1    9
 [38,]    2    9
 [39,]    3    9
 [40,]    8    9
 [41,]   10    9
 [42,]   15    9
 [43,]   16    9
 [44,]   17    9
 [45,]    2   10
 [46,]    3   10
 [47,]    4   10
 [48,]    9   10
 [49,]   11   10
 [50,]   16   10
 [51,]   17   10
 [52,]   18   10
 [53,]    3   11
 [54,]    4   11
 [55,]    5   11
 [56,]   10   11
 [57,]   12   11
 [58,]   17   11
 [59,]   18   11
 [60,]   19   11
 [61,]    4   12
 [62,]    5   12
 [63,]    6   12
 [64,]   11   12
 [65,]   13   12
 [66,]   18   12
 [67,]   19   12
 [68,]   20   12
 [69,]    5   13
 [70,]    6   13
 [71,]    7   13
 [72,]   12   13
 [73,]   14   13
 [74,]   19   13
 [75,]   20   13
 [76,]   21   13
 [77,]    6   14
 [78,]    7   14
 [79,]   13   14
 [80,]   20   14
 [81,]   21   14
 [82,]    8   15
 [83,]    9   15
 [84,]   16   15
 [85,]   22   15
 [86,]   23   15
 [87,]    8   16
 [88,]    9   16
 [89,]   10   16
 [90,]   15   16
 [91,]   17   16
 [92,]   22   16
 [93,]   23   16
 [94,]   24   16
 [95,]    9   17
 [96,]   10   17
 [97,]   11   17
 [98,]   16   17
 [99,]   18   17
[100,]   23   17
[101,]   24   17
[102,]   25   17
[103,]   10   18
[104,]   11   18
[105,]   12   18
[106,]   17   18
[107,]   19   18
[108,]   24   18
[109,]   25   18
[110,]   26   18
[111,]   11   19
[112,]   12   19
[113,]   13   19
[114,]   18   19
[115,]   20   19
[116,]   25   19
[117,]   26   19
[118,]   27   19
[119,]   12   20
[120,]   13   20
[121,]   14   20
[122,]   19   20
[123,]   21   20
[124,]   26   20
[125,]   27   20
[126,]   28   20
[127,]   13   21
[128,]   14   21
[129,]   20   21
[130,]   27   21
[131,]   28   21
[132,]   15   22
[133,]   16   22
[134,]   23   22
[135,]   29   22
[136,]   30   22
[137,]   15   23
[138,]   16   23
[139,]   17   23
[140,]   22   23
[141,]   24   23
[142,]   29   23
[143,]   30   23
[144,]   31   23
[145,]   16   24
[146,]   17   24
[147,]   18   24
[148,]   23   24
[149,]   25   24
[150,]   30   24
[151,]   31   24
[152,]   32   24
[153,]   17   25
[154,]   18   25
[155,]   19   25
[156,]   24   25
[157,]   26   25
[158,]   31   25
[159,]   32   25
[160,]   33   25
[161,]   18   26
[162,]   19   26
[163,]   20   26
[164,]   25   26
[165,]   27   26
[166,]   32   26
[167,]   33   26
[168,]   34   26
[169,]   19   27
[170,]   20   27
[171,]   21   27
[172,]   26   27
[173,]   28   27
[174,]   33   27
[175,]   34   27
[176,]   35   27
[177,]   20   28
[178,]   21   28
[179,]   27   28
[180,]   34   28
[181,]   35   28
[182,]   22   29
[183,]   23   29
[184,]   30   29
[185,]   36   29
[186,]   37   29
[187,]   22   30
[188,]   23   30
[189,]   24   30
[190,]   29   30
[191,]   31   30
[192,]   36   30
[193,]   37   30
[194,]   38   30
[195,]   23   31
[196,]   24   31
[197,]   25   31
[198,]   30   31
[199,]   32   31
[200,]   37   31
[201,]   38   31
[202,]   39   31
[203,]   24   32
[204,]   25   32
[205,]   26   32
[206,]   31   32
[207,]   33   32
[208,]   38   32
[209,]   39   32
[210,]   40   32
[211,]   25   33
[212,]   26   33
[213,]   27   33
[214,]   32   33
[215,]   34   33
[216,]   39   33
[217,]   40   33
[218,]   41   33
[219,]   26   34
[220,]   27   34
[221,]   28   34
[222,]   33   34
[223,]   35   34
[224,]   40   34
[225,]   41   34
[226,]   42   34
[227,]   27   35
[228,]   28   35
[229,]   34   35
[230,]   41   35
[231,]   42   35
[232,]   29   36
[233,]   30   36
[234,]   37   36
[235,]   29   37
[236,]   30   37
[237,]   31   37
[238,]   36   37
[239,]   38   37
[240,]   30   38
[241,]   31   38
[242,]   32   38
[243,]   37   38
[244,]   39   38
[245,]   31   39
[246,]   32   39
[247,]   33   39
[248,]   38   39
[249,]   40   39
[250,]   32   40
[251,]   33   40
[252,]   34   40
[253,]   39   40
[254,]   41   40
[255,]   33   41
[256,]   34   41
[257,]   35   41
[258,]   40   41
[259,]   42   41
[260,]   34   42
[261,]   35   42
[262,]   41   42

gdistance documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:46 p.m.