Man pages for geoextras
Extras for the 'geo' package

eezEEZ boundaries
fivehThe 500 nmi isobath within the Icelandic EEZ
geoextras-packageExtras for Hafro's (MRIs) 'geo' package
geoinsideListArea of positions
lat2rARectangle area at latitude rectangle corner. bar plots
r.cornersFind the corner of a statistical rectangle
sapSea Area Proportion.
twelvemTwelve mile zone around Iceland
zbydrEEZ division of rectangles.
zbydr2EEZ divsion of rectangles.
zbyrecZonal(by EEZs) proportions of ICES rectangles in N-Atlantic.
geoextras documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:56 p.m.