grobify: Convert a Picture Object into a grid grob

grobifyR Documentation

Convert a Picture Object into a grid grob


Converts "Picture" objects and pieces of a picture (i.e. objects inheriting from "PictureContent" objects) into grid grobs.


grobify(object, ...)



An object that contains grobify methods. Typically a "Picture" object.


Further arguments to specific grobify methods.


Although not required by some grobify methods, there are further arguments that may be used, which will be described here.


This argument should take a "PictureDefinitions" object that contains definitions of referenced content. This is only useful when the gridSVG is set to TRUE.


This argument is supplied in the form of a character vector. It usually only applies when grobifying a "PictureGroup" object. There are three possible values for clip:


No clipping will be applied to the object.


The clipping will be applied to the rectangular region that bounds the clipping path's content. This argument is particularly useful as R graphics can only use rectangular clipping regions. If we want more complex clipping regions, the value of gridSVG must be used instead.


When this value is set, we are no longer restricted to clipping to rectangular regions, and many images will require it to be set to display correctly. This argument requires the gridSVG package to be installed.


This is a logical value that, when TRUE, allows graphical features to be drawn that are not possible in R graphics. This requires the gridSVG package. When this argument is TRUE we can correctly import and render patterns, masks, filters and gradients.


A grid grob.


Simon Potter

grImport2 documentation built on July 24, 2024, 3 a.m.

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