elections: Elections Data

Description Usage Format


Data 'elections' contains 2502 individuals and ...




A data frame containing 2502 observations on ... variables:

[,1] "govguareatsleep - description ..."
[,2] "govtakecarewhocant - The government should take care of those who can't take of themselves"
[,3] "govhelpneedy - description ..."
[,4] "improveblackpos - description ..."
[,5] "equalOPP - description ..."
[,6] "poortoodep - description ..."
[,7] "richgetricher - description ..."
[,8] "govwasteful - description ..."
[,9] "unborn - description ..."
[,10] "womentradrole - description ..."
[,11] "peacethrustrength - description ..."
[,12] "searchterrorists - description ..."
[,13] "bandangerousbooks - description ..."
[,14] "firegayteachers - description ..."
[,15] "xratedOK - description ..."
[,16] "age - description ..."
[,17] "agesq.01 - description ..."
[,18] "black - description ..."
[,19] "bornagain - description ..."
[,20] "blackbornagain - description ..."
[,21] "rel.catholic - description ..."
[,22] "rel.nonchr - description ..."
[,23] "ed.cat1 - description ..."
[,24] "ed.cat3 - description ..."
[,25] "ed.cat4 - description ..."
[,26] "ed.cat5 - description ..."
[,27] "income.1 - description ..."
[,28] "income.3 - description ..."
[,29] "income.4 - description ..."
[,30] "income.dk - description ..."
[,31] "parent - description ..."
[,32] "hispanic - spanish origins ..."
[,33] "female - description ..."

irt documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:53 p.m.

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