Man pages for lava
Latent Variable Models

addvarAdd variable to (model) object
baptizeLabel elements of object
blockdiagCombine matrices to block diagonal structure
bmdLongitudinal Bone Mineral Density Data (Wide format)
bootstrapGeneric bootstrap method
bootstrap.lvmCalculate bootstrap estimates of a lvm object
brisaSimulated data
ByApply a Function to a Data Frame Split by Factors
calciumLongitudinal Bone Mineral Density Data
cancelGeneric cancel method
childrenExtract children or parent elements of object
clickIdentify points on plot
closed.testingClosed testing procedure
ColGenerate a transparent RGB color
colorbarAdd color-bar to plot
CombineReport estimates across different models
compareStatistical tests Performs Likelihood-ratio, Wald and score...
confbandAdd Confidence limits bar to plot
confint.lvmfitCalculate confidence limits for parameters
constrain-setAdd non-linear constraints to latent variable model
correlationGeneric method for extracting correlation coefficients of...
covarianceAdd covariance structure to Latent Variable Model
cureregRegression model for binomial data with unkown group of...
devcoordsReturns device-coordinates and plot-region
dsortSort data frame
equivalenceIdentify candidates of equivalent models
estimate.defaultEstimation of functional of parameters
estimate.lvmEstimation of parameters in a Latent Variable Model (lvm)
eventTimeAdd an observed event time outcome to a latent variable...
ExpandCreate a Data Frame from All Combinations of Factors
getMplusRead Mplus output
getSASRead SAS output
gofExtract model summaries and GOF statistics for model object
GraphExtract graph
hubbleHubble data
hubble2Hubble data
iidExtract i.i.d. decomposition (influence function) from model...
imagesOrganize several image calls (for visualizing categorical...
interceptFix mean parameters in 'lvm'-object
internalFor internal use
killRemove variables from (model) object.
ksmooth2Plot/estimate surface
labels-setDefine labels of graph
lava.optionsSet global options for 'lava'
lava-packageEstimation and simulation of latent variable models
lvmInitialize new latent variable model
makemissingCreate random missing data
MissingMissing value generator
missingdataMissing data example
ModelExtract model
modelsearchModel searching
multinomialEstimate probabilities in contingency table
nldataExample data (nonlinear model)
nsemExample SEM data (nonlinear)
op_concatConcatenation operator
op_matchMatching operator (x not in y) oposed to the '%in%'-operator...
ordregUnivariate cumulative link regression models
orgConvert object to ascii suitable for org-mode
parposGeneric method for finding indeces of model parameters
partialcorCalculate partial correlations
pathExtract pathways in model graph
PDDose response calculation for binomial regression models
pdfconvertConvert pdf to raster format
plotConfPlot regression lines
plot.lvmPlot path diagram
predict.lvmPrediction in structural equation models
Range.lvmDefine range constraints of parameters
regression-setAdd regression association to latent variable model
revdiagCreate/extract 'reverse'-diagonal matrix
scheffeCalculate simultaneous confidence limits by Scheffe's method
semdataExample SEM data
serotoninSerotonin data
simSimulate model
stack.estimateStack estimating equations
subset.lvmExtract subset of latent variable model
timedepTime-dependent parameters
toformulaConverts strings to formula
trTrace operator
trimTrim tring of (leading/trailing/all) white spaces
twindataTwin menarche data
varsExtract variable names from latent variable model
lava documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:49 p.m.