Man pages for maptools
Tools for Handling Spatial Objects

asciigridread/write to/from (ESRI) asciigrid format
as.imCoercion between sp objects and spatstat im objects
as.linnet.SpatialLinesConvert SpatialLines to Linear Network
as.owinCoercion between sp objects and spatstat owin objects
as.pppCoercion between sp objects and spatstat ppp objects
as.pspCoercion between sp objects and spatstat psp objects
as.SpatialPolygons.tessCoercion of spatstat tess object to sp SpatialPolygons object
CCmapsConditioned choropleth maps
checkPolygonsHolesCheck holes in Polygons objects
ContourLines2SLDFConverter functions to build SpatialLinesDataFrame objects
dotsInPolysPut dots in polygons
gcDestinationFind destination in geographical coordinates
gzAzimuthFind azimuth for geographical coordinates
leglabsMake legend labels
map2SpatialPolygonsConvert map objects to sp classes
maptools-deprecatedDeprecated functions and methods
nearestPointOnLineGet the nearest point on a line to a given point
nearestPointOnSegmentGet the nearest point on a segment to a given point
nowrapRecenterBreak polygons at meridian for recentering
nowrapSpatialLinesSplit SpatialLines components at offset
pal2SpatialPolygonsMaking SpatialPolygons objects from RArcInfo input
pppVirtual class "ppp"
readGPSGPSbabel read interface
snapPointsToLinesSnap a set of points to a set of lines
sp2Mondrianwrite map data for Mondrian
sp2tmapConvert SpatialPolygons object for Stata tmap command
SpatialLines2PolySetConvert sp line and polygon objects to PBSmapping PolySet...
SpatialLinesMidPointsLine midpoints
spCbind-methodscbind for spatial objects
SplashDamsData for Splash Dams in western Oregon
spRbind-methodsrbind for spatial objects
state.vbmUS State Visibility Based Map
symbolsInPolysPlace grids of points over polygons
thinnedSpatialPolyDouglas-Peuker line generalization for Spatial Polygons
unionSpatialPolygonsAggregate Polygons in a SpatialPolygons object
wrld_simplSimplified world country polygons
maptools documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 3:01 p.m.