Man pages for micEconAids
Demand Analysis with the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS)

aidsBestA0Find 'best' Value for alpha 0 in the AIDS
aidsCalcShares and Quantities of the Almost Ideal Demand System
aidsConcavConcavity of the AIDS
aidsConsistCheck Consistency of the AIDS
aidsElasElasticities of the AIDS model
aidsEstEstimating the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS)
aidsMonoMonotonicity of the AIDS
aidsPxPrice Index for the AIDS
aidsUtilityIndirect Utility Function of the Almost Ideal Demand System
Blanciforti86U.S. consumption data
coef.aidsEstCoefficients of an Almost Ideal Demand System
df.residual.aidsEstCovariance matrix of an Almost Ideal Demand System
fitted.aidsEstFitted values of an Almost Ideal Demand System
logLik.aidsEstLog-Likelihood value of an object of class aidsEst
lrtest.aidsEstLikelihood Ratio test for Almost Ideal Demand Systems
summary.aidsElasSummarizing the Elasticities of an Almost Ideal Demand System
summary.aidsEstSummarizing the Estimation of an Almost Ideal Demand System
USMeatConsumpU.S. Meat Consumption Data
vcov.aidsEstCovariance matrix of an Almost Ideal Demand System
micEconAids documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:21 p.m.