Man pages for mlmRev
Examples from Multilevel Modelling Software Review

bdfLanguage Scores of 8-Graders in The Netherlands
Chem97Scores on A-level Chemistry in 1997
ContraceptionContraceptive use in Bangladesh
EarlyEarly childhood intervention study
egsingleUS Sustaining Effects study
ExamExam scores from inner London
GcsemvGCSE exam score
guImmunImmunization in Guatemala
guPrenatPrenatal care in Guatemala
Hsb82High School and Beyond - 1982
MmmecMalignant melanoma deaths in Europe
OxboysHeights of Boys in Oxford
s3bbxCovariates in the Rodriguez and Goldman simulation
s3bbyResponses simulated by Rodriguez and Goldman
ScotsSecScottish secondary school scores
SocattSocial Attitudes Survey
starStudent Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) project data
mlmRev documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:25 p.m.