Instrumental Variables Tools for the Case of Weak and/or Many Instruments


Important: This document is incomplete (so is the package for what is covered here).

The model

We only consider linear models for the moment. Let the following be the model of interest:

[ y = X_1\beta_1 + X_2\beta_2+u \equiv X\beta + u\, ]

where $y$ and $u$ are $n\times 1$, $X_1$ is $n\times k_1$, $X_2$ is $n\times k_2$, $\beta_1$ is $k_1\times 1$, $\beta_2$ is $k_2\times 1$, $X$ is $n \times k$ and $\beta$ is $k\times 1$, with $k=k_1+k_2$. We assume that the intercept is included in $X_1$. Suppose that $X_2$ is the matrix of endogenous variables. Then, we want to instrument them with $Z_2$, a $n\times l_2$ matrix, where $l_2\geq k_2$. The matrix of exogenous variables that are included and excluded is $Z=[X_1, Z_2]$, a $n\times q$ matrix with $q=k_1+l_2$. The reduced form for $X_2$, or the first stage regression, is therefore:

[ X_2 = X_1\Pi_1 + Z_2\Pi_2 + e \equiv Z\Pi + e\,, ]

where $\Pi_1$ is $k_1\times k_2$, $\Pi_2$ is $l_2\times k_2$, $\Pi$ is $q \times k_2$ and $e$ is $n\times k_2$.

K-class Estimator and LIML

The K-Class methods need to be added to the package if we want to develop tools for models with weak and/or many instruments. The reason is that estimations and tests based on the limited information maximum likelihood (LIML), which is K-Class method, has shown to perform well in these cases.

To my knowledge, many of the methods proposed here have not been implemented in R yet. However, some procedures are implemented in the ivmodel package of @ivmodel. Some of our procedures have been influenced by the package, so we use it when needed to compare our results.

The method

A K-Class estimator is the solution to

[ X'(I-\kappa M_z)(y-X\beta)=0\,, ]

where $M_z=I-P_z$ and $P_z$ is the projection matrix $Z(Z'Z)^{-1}Z'$. It is therefore represented as a just-identified IV with the instrument $W_\kappa=(I-\kappa M_z)X$. Note that $M_zX_1=0$, which implies the following matrix of instruments:

[ \begin{split} W_\kappa & = \begin{bmatrix} (I-\kappa M_z)X_1 & (I-\kappa M_z)X_2 \end{bmatrix} \ & = \begin{bmatrix} X_1 & (I-\kappa M_z)X_2 \end{bmatrix}\ & = \begin{bmatrix} X_1 & (X_2-\kappa\hat{e}) \end{bmatrix} \end{split}\,, ]

where $\hat{e}=M_zX_2$ is the matrix of residuals from the first stage regression. Note that the model is just-identified only when $l_2>k_2$. The above representation is just a convenient way of defining the method. In fact, we can also represent the two-stage least squares (TSLS) method , over-identified or not, as a just-identified IV with $W=[X_1\hat{X}_2]$, where $\hat{X}_2=P_zX_2\equiv X_2-\hat{e}$. Therefore, TSLS is a K-Class estimator with $\kappa=1$. We can also see that the least squares estimator can be obtained by setting $\kappa$ to 0. The solution can be written as follows:

[ \hat{\beta}\kappa = (W\kappa'X)^{-1}W_\kappa'y\,. ]

We can compute the standard errors using the asymptotic properties of just identified IV. In the case of iid errors (no heteroskedasticity), the variance can be estimated as:

[ \hat\Sigma_{\kappa,iid} = \hat{\sigma}^2(W_\kappa'X)^{-1} W_\kappa'W_\kappa (W_\kappa'X)^{-1}\,, ]

where $\hat{\sigma}^2$ is the estimated variance of $u$. Note that the bread of the covariance matrix is symmetric, which is not the case in general for just-identified IV. Also, we can simplify the expression to $\hat{\sigma}^2(W_\kappa'X)^{-1}$ only when $\kappa$ is equal to 0 or 1. For other values it is not possible because $(I-\kappa M_z)(I-\kappa M_z)\neq (I-\kappa M_z)$. In the case of heteroskedastic errors, the covariance matrix can be estimated as follows:

[ \hat\Sigma_{\kappa,HC} = (W_\kappa'X)^{-1} \hat\Omega_{\kappa,HC} (W_\kappa'X)^{-1}\,, ]

where $\hat\Omega_{HC}$ is an HCCM estimator of the variance of $W_\kappa'u$. For example, we can obtain the HC0 estimator with the following $\hat\Omega$:

[ \hat\Omega_{\kappa,HC0} = \sum_{i=1}^n \hat{u}i^2 W{\kappa, i}W_{\kappa, i}'\,, ]

where $\hat{u}i = y_i-X_i'\hat{\beta}\kappa$.

The LIML method

We do not justify how $\kappa$ is defined for the LIML method. For more details, see @davidson-mackinnon04. Let $Y=[y~ X_2]$ be the $n\times (1+k_2)$ matrix with all endogenous variables from the model. Then, $\kappa_{liml}$ is defined as the smallest eigenvalue of:

[ (Y'M_zY)^{-1/2}Y'M_1Y(Y'M_zY)^{-1/2}\,, ]

where $M_1=I-P_1$ and $P_1=X_1(X_1'X_1)^{-1}X_1'$. We can show that it is equivalent to finding the smallest eigenvalue of $(Y'M_zY)^{-1}Y'M_1Y$. An alternative to the LIML method was proposed by @fuller77. The method is also a K-Class method with $\kappa_{ful}=\kappa_{liml}-\alpha/(n-q)$, where $\alpha$ is parameter. It usually set to=1. The Fuller method happens to have better properties than LIML.

Computing $\hat\kappa$

We want to use the data used by Card (1993). The dataset is included in the ivmodel package. The endogenous variable is education (educ) and the two instruments we consider are near4 and near2. The other included exogenous variables are experience (exper), experience squared (expersq) and a set of binary variables. In the following, the ivmodel object is generate. It contains the \kappa for LIML and Fuller:

## from the ivmodel examples
Z <-[,c("nearc4","nearc2")]
Y <-[,"lwage"]
D <-[,"educ"]
Xname <- c("exper", "expersq", "black", "south", "smsa", "reg661",
           "reg662", "reg663", "reg664", "reg665", "reg666", "reg667",
           "reg668", "smsa66")
X <-[,Xname]
mod <- ivmodel(Y=Y,D=D,Z=Z,X=X)

We can see the $\kappa$'s using the following commands:

c(LIML=mod$LIML$k, Fuller=mod$Fuller$k)

We can create a linearModel object with the same specifications as follows. By default, ivmodel model assumes homoskedasticity, so we set the argument vcov to "iid":

g <- reformulate(c("educ", Xname), "lwage")
h <- reformulate(c(c("nearc4","nearc2"), Xname))
mod2 <- momentModel(g, h,, vcov="iid")

The getK function generates $\hat\kappa$ for the original LIML and the modified one. No effort is done to make it efficient for now. The modified LIML is $\hat\kappa - \alpha/(n-k)$, where $k$ is the number of exogenous variables (included and excluded).

We can compare the values with the ones computed by ivmodel. They are identical:


Note that the function getK has three arguments: object, which is the model object, alpha, which is use to compute $\kappa_{ful}$ and returnRes. When the latter is set to TRUE (the default is FALSE), the function returns a list of two elements: the above vector of $\kappa$ and the matrix of first stage residuals $M_zX_2$. The latter is used by the K-Class function to generate the matrix of instruments $W_\kappa$. By setting it to TRUE, it avoids having to recompute it.

We can also have more than one endogenous regressor. For this model, we can interact educ with, say, exper, which is like having a second endogenous variable. The package can recognize that educ:exper is endogenous because it is not part of the set of instruments. The following is the new model:

g2 <- reformulate(c("educ", "educ:exper", Xname), "lwage")
h2 <- reformulate(c(c("nearc4","nearc2", "nearc2:exper", "nearc4:exper"), Xname))
mod3 <- momentModel(g2, h2,

Note that $\kappa_{liml}=1$ for just-identified models. When it is the case, getK does not compute the residuals and only returns the vector of $\kappa$ no matter how we set the argument returnRes. The following model is just identified:

h3 <- reformulate(c(c("nearc4"), Xname))
mod4 <- momentModel(g, h3,

Computing the K-Class estimators

The function that computes the K-Class estimator is kclassfit. The arguments are: object, the model object, k, the value of $\kappa$, type, the type of $\kappa$ to compute when k is missing ("LIML", "Fuller" or "BTSLS" for the biased corrected TSLE of @nagar59) and alpha, the parameter of the Fuller method (the default is 1). Note first that the estimator is a TSLS estimator when k=1 and a LSE when it is equal to 0. The package already has a tsls method for linearModel objects, which is what kclassfit calls when k=1. For the LSE, a new method was created to facilitate the estimation of model objects by least squares. The method is lse:


It is an object of class lsefit that contains the lm object from the estimation. Therefore, the kclassfit function returns an object of class lsefit when k=0 and tlsl when k=1. For any other value, which includes LIML, Fuller and BTSLS ($\kappa=n/(n-l_2+2)$), the function returns an object of class kclassfit. The object contains a gmmfit object, generated by the estimation of the artificially created just-identified model, the name of the method, the value of $\kappa$ and the original model.

(liml <- kclassfit(mod2))
(fuller <- kclassfit(mod2, type="Fuller"))
(btsls <- kclassfit(mod2, type="BTSLS"))

Note that the biased-adjusted TSLS is just TSLS because the adjustment only affects the method when the number of excluded instruments is not equal to 2. We see in the following that the LIML and Fuller estimates I get are identical to the ones from the ivmodel package.

print(coef(liml)[2], digits=10)
print(coef(fuller)[2], digits=10)

Note that the argument k can be the output of getK with returnRes=TRUE. This is a way of avoiding recomputing the $\kappa$ and the first stage residuals. This is useful when we want to compute the LIML and Fuller for the same model. For example, the following is the fast version of what we did above.

resK <- getK(mod2, 1, TRUE)
(liml <- kclassfit(mod2, resK))
(fuller <- kclassfit(mod2, resK, type="Fuller"))


Since the kclassfit object contains a just-identified gmmfit object, we can do inference as if it was an IV. The summary method for kclassfit objects is in fact the same as for gmmfit objects, but it contains additional information about the original model and the method. It returns an object of class summaryKclass.

(s <- summary(liml))

Note that the specification test is based on Anderson and Rubin. It is a likelihood ratio test equal to $n\log(\hat\kappa)$ and is distributed as a chi-square with the degrees of freedom equal to the number of over-identifying restrictions. It calls the specTest method for kclassfit objects:


We can compare the standard error we get here and the one we get from the ivmodel package. Note that only inference about the coefficient of the endogenous variable is provided by ivmodel.


The result is quite different. But we can see why. In the following I recompute the standard error using the formula $\hat{\sigma}^2(W_\kappa'X)^{-1}$. We now get the same result. As mentioned before, this expression is only valid for $\kappa=1$.

spec <- modelDims(mod2)
u <- residuals(liml)
sig <- sum(u^2)/(spec$n-spec$k)
W <- model.matrix(liml@model, "instruments")
myX <- model.matrix(liml@model)

For Heteroskedastic errors. We have to redefine the models.

mod <- ivmodel(Y=Y,D=D,Z=Z,X=X,heteroSE=TRUE)
mod2 <- momentModel(g, h,, vcov="MDS")
liml <- kclassfit(mod2, resK)
c(mod$LIML$point.est, mod$LIML$std.err)

The above code is not run because the ivmodel is very inefficient to compute the meat matrix. It is done using a loop. It you run the code you should get identical point estimate and both standard errors are equal to 0.0576098.

Weak Instruments

Testing for weak instrument: @stock-yogo05

This test and the critical values are for model with homoskedastic errors. The test is the smallest eigenvalue of the following expression (@cragg-donald93):

[ \hat\Sigma_e^{-1/2} \Big[ X_2'M_1Z_2(Z_2'M_1Z_2)^{-1}Z_2'M_1X_2 \Big] \hat\Sigma_e^{-1/2} = \hat\Sigma_e^{-1/2}[M_1 X_2]'[Z_2\hat\Pi_2]\hat\Sigma_e^{-1/2} ]

where $\hat\Sigma_e = \hat{e}'\hat{e}/(n-l_2-k_1)$. If the number of included endogenous variables $k_2$ is equal to 1, this is just the F statistic for the null hypothesis $H_0:\Pi_2=0$. For $k_2>1$, it is a test of rank reduction. Under the null the rank of $\Pi_2$ is $k_2-1$ and under the alternative it is equal to $k_2$. The function CDtest, which stands for Cragg and Donald test, computes this statistic. By using the momentStrength method, which computes the first stage F statistics for each included endogenous variable, we can see they are both the same when $k_2=1$:

(CD2 <- CDtest(mod2, print=FALSE))

However, it does not return a p-value like the F-test computed by momentStrength. Instead, it comes with the critical values computed by @stock-yogo05. If we let the function CDtest print the result (the default), we see the statistics and the critical values that are relevant to our model (they depend on the number of included endogenous and excluded exogenous variables).


We reject the null hypothesis that the instruments are weak if the statistic is greater than the critical value of interest. To understand the critical values, let's first consider the ones under "Target size for TSLS". If are willing to accept a wrong size of at most 10\% for hypothesis tests on coefficients at 5\%, the statistic must exceed 19.93 for the instruments to be considered strong enough. Since the statistic for mod2 does not, we should expect a higher size distortion. In fact, our statistic is equal to r round(CD2,4), so we can expect the size to be as high as 25\% since the statistic is greater than 7.25. Under "Target size for LIML", we have the same critical values but for models estimated by LIML. We see that the size distortion is not as severe for LIML. Since the statistic is between the first and the second critical value, the size should be between 10\% and 15\%.

We also have critical values that are based on the worst bias relative to the OLS bias. For example, if the model is estimated by the Fuller method and we are willing to accept a relative bias of at most 5\%, we need the statistic to exceed 15.60. Since the statistic of mod2 is only greater than 6.62 (the last critical value), the relative bias may be as large as 30\%. Note that the critical values based on the relative bias are only available for TSLS when the number of over-identifying restrictions are greater or equal to 2. For the following model, all critical values are available. In this case, the instruments are very strong. But are they valid?

g <- reformulate(c("educ", Xname), "lwage")
h <- reformulate(c(c("nearc4","nearc2","IQ","KWW"), Xname))
mod5 <- momentModel(g, h,, vcov="iid")

Testing for weak instrument: @sanderson-windmeijer16

This test was derived for models with at least 2 endogenous variables ($k_2>2$ in our model). Let $X_{2,j}$ be the j$^\mathrm{th}$ included endogenous variable and and $X_{2,-j}$ be the $k_2-1$ remaining included endogenous variables, then the procedure is :

To illustrate the procedure, we consider the following model based on the simulated dataset simData:

[ y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 y_1 + \beta_2 y_2 + \beta_3 y_3 + \beta_4 x_1 + \beta_5 x_2 + u\,, ]

where y1, y2 and y3 are assumed to be endogenous. We want to estimate the model using the 5 excluded exogenous variables z1 to z5. To use our notation, we have $X_1={$x1, x2$}$, $X_2={$y1, y2, y3$}$ and $Z_2={$z1, z2, z3, z4, z5$}$. Following the above procedure the statistic using j=1 is:

## Step 1
m <- tsls(y1~y2+y3+x1+x2, ~z1+z2+z3+z4+z5+x1+x2, data=simData)
e <- residuals(m)
## Step 2
fit <- lm(e~z1+z2+z3+z4+z5+x1+x2, simData)
fitr <- lm(e~x1+x2, simData)
F <- anova(fit, fitr)$F[2]
## Step 4
(sw1 <- F*5/(5-2))

The function SWtest computes this test and returns the

smod <- momentModel(y~y1+y2+y3+x1+x2, ~z1+z2+z3+z4+z5+x1+x2, data=simData)

Following @sanderson-windmeijer16, for models with $k_2$ endogenous variables and $l_2$ excluded exogenous, we compare the statistic with the @stock-yogo05 critical values for models with $l_2-1$ endogeous variables and $k_2-l_2+1$ excluded exogenous. This allows us to test the intruments for models with 3 endogenous variables without generating new tables. In the following, we can see that the critical values are obtained by reducing the number of endogenous variables by 1 and the number of excluded exogenous variables by 2. Clearly, the instruments are weak in this simulated model.


These critical values are obtained by running the function SYTables with the argument SWcrit set to TRUE. Note that the authors show also that the same critical values can be used if we multiply the Cragg and Donald statistic by $k_2/(k_2-l_2+1)$. It is therefore possible to test for weak instruments in a model with 3 endogenous variables using the CDtest function, if we set the argument SWcrit to TRUE.

Testing for weak instruments: @montiel-olea-pflueger13

In most applied economic studies, it is unrealistic to assume that the errors are conditionally homoskedastic. When the errors are conditionally heteroskedastic, it is recommended by @andrews-stock-sun19 to use the effective F-test of @montiel-olea-pflueger13 (MOP). Assuming that $k_2=1$, which is the only option for this test, the procedure is:

This is computed by the function MOPtest. For now, no critical values are reported. Will be added soon.


We can see that it is close to the non-robust F test:

CDtest(mod2, FALSE)

This is because the model mod2 is defined with vcov="iid". Therefore, $\hat{W}_2$ is a non-robust covariance matrix. If we want an HCCM estimator, we need to define the model with vcov="MDS". It is also possible to compute the test using HAC estimator if needed. We use the update method to change vcov and rerun the test. We see that the robust test is a little higher than the non-robust.

mod2 <- update(mod2, vcov="MDS")

The above procedure is the simplified version of the test. We start exploring the generalized test. First, we need an estimate of the matrix $W$. Given the structure of $Z$, the robust covariance matrix of the OLS estimators is the covariance matrix of the moment conditions, because when $Z'Z=I$, the OLS estimator of $y=Z\beta+u$ is $\hat\beta = Z'y=\beta+Z'u$. Therefore, the variance of $\hat\beta$ is the variance of the moment condition function $Z'u$. The reduced form for our model is:

\begin{eqnarray} y &=& X_2\beta_2 + u = Z_2[\Pi_2\beta_2] + v\ X_2 &=& Z_2 \Pi_2 + e \end{eqnarray}

For example, we can compute $W_2$ above as follows for mod2.

## get Z
spec <- modelDims(mod2)
Z2 <- model.matrix(mod2, "excludedExo")
X1 <- model.matrix(mod2, "includedExo")
X2 <- model.matrix(mod2, "includedEndo")
y <- modelResponse(mod2)
fitX1  <-, Z2)
Z2 <- fitX1$residuals
X2 <- qr.resid(fitX1$qr, X2)
y <- qr.resid(fitX1$qr, y)
Z2 <- qr.Q(qr(Z2))*sqrt(nrow(Z2))

To compute $\hat{W}_2$, we can use the tools already included in the package. We just need to create a linearModel object with no endogenous variables. For $\hat{W}_2$, we regress $X_2$ on $Z_2$ and use $Z_2$ as instruments. We can set the argument vcov to "MDS" to obtain a robust to heteroskedasticity $\hat{W}_2$ (or to "CL" for clustered or "HAC" for serially correlated errors).

colnames(Z2) = paste("Z", 1:ncol(Z2), sep="")
dat <-,Z2))
g <- reformulate(colnames(Z2), colnames(X2), FALSE)
h <- reformulate(colnames(Z2), NULL, FALSE)
m2 <- momentModel(g,h,data=dat,vcov="MDS")

We need to compute the OLS estimator and then use the vcov method for linearModel objects to estimate the asymptotic variance of $Z_2'e/\sqrt{n}$:

b <- crossprod(Z2,X2)/nrow(Z2)
w2 <- vcov(m2, b)

This is the only part of $W$ we need to estimate for the simplified version of the test. For the general test, we also need to estimate $W_{1}$, which is the asymptotic variance of $Z_2'v/\sqrt{n}$, and $W_{12}$ which is the asymptotic covariance between $Z_2'e/\sqrt{n}$ and $Z_2'v/\sqrt{n}$. This can be done by writing the model as a system of equations with the same regressors and instruments. The above g is the second equation, so we need to add the first in a list and put h in a list:

dat <-,X2,Z2))
g <- list(reformulate(colnames(Z2), "y", FALSE),  g)
h <- list(h)
m <- sysMomentModel(g,h,data=dat,vcov="MDS")
b <- list(c(crossprod(Z2,y)/nrow(Z2)),
w <- vcov(m, b)

Note that we need to adjust the sample size. The way the model m is defined, the sample is multiplied by 2. Since we divide by twice the sample size to compute the estimator, we need to multiply the estimated W by 2. We can see that $\hat{W}_2$ is the $2\times 2$ bottom left block of $\hat W$:


This is what the function getMOPW computes. For now, it is not exported, so we need to run it using momentfit:::. The function returns the different $\hat{W}$'s separately for convenience. Here we see $\hat{W}_2$:

res <- momentfit:::getMOPw(mod2)

The function also returns the elements w1, w12 and omega. The latter is $\hat\Omega=[\hat v, \hat e]'[\hat v, \hat e]/n$. The matrices $\hat W_1$ and $\hat W_{12}$ are needed to compute the effective degrees of freedom:

[ K_{eff} = \frac{[\tr(\hat W_2)]^2(1+2x)}{\tr(\hat{W}_2'\hat{W}_2)\max\eval(\hat W_2)} ]

where $x=B_e(\hat{W},\hat{\Omega})/\tau$, where $\tau$ is the worst bias relative to the benchmark and $B_e(\hat{W},\hat{\omega})$ is some function. In the simplified version, the parameter $x$ is equal to $1/\tau$, so only $\hat W_2$ is needed. For the generalized test, $x$ depends on $B_e(\hat{W},\hat{\omega})$ for $e$ = LIML or TSLS, which needs to be computed using a one dimentional optimizer. The function getMOPx returns the value of x. The main arguments are w, which is the output from getMOPw, tau that we explained above and the type of estimation we want to test the instruments for. As usual, LIML is less biased so it requires a smaller $F_{eff}$ to get the same relative bias as TSLS.

momentfit:::getMOPx(w=res, tau=0.10, type="LIML")

By default, the MOPtest function computes the simplified test, which is the one obtained above. For the generalized test, we set the argument simplified to FALSE.

MOPtest(mod5, simplified=FALSE, estMethod="LIML")

The test is the same as above, but the critical value is smaller, which is expected since the simplify test tends to have higher critical value, especially when the number of excluded instruments is small. We can compare the test with the one for TSLS:

MOPtest(mod5,  simplified=FALSE, estMethod="TSLS")

As mentioned by the authors, the efficient F is the robust F when the model is just identified. The model mod4 created above is just-identified, but we need to change the argument vcov to "MDS":

mod4 <- update(mod4, vcov="MDS")
MOPtest(mod4, estMethod="TSLS", print=FALSE)["Feff"]

We can compare with the first stage F computed by momentStrength. As we can see, it is the same as long as we choose the HC0 type.

momentStrength(update(mod4, vcovOptions=list(type="HC0")))$strength

Testing for weak instruments: @lewis-mertens22

The authors generalize the test by @montiel-olea-pflueger13 for models with multiple endogenous variables. The test is therefore robust to non-iid errors. The statistic proposed by the authors is a generalization of the Cragg and Donald test. It is defined as:

[ g_{min} = \min\eval[n\hat\Phi^{-1/2}\hat{\Pi}_2'\hat{\Pi}_2\hat\Phi^{-1/2}] \,, ]

where $\Phi = (I_{k_2}\otimes \vect(I_{l_2}))'W_2\otimes I_{l_2}$. If we write $W_2$ as a $k_2\times k_2$ block matrix, with $A_{ij}$ being the $l_2\times l_2$ matrix in the ith row and jth column, then $\Phi_{ij}=\tr(A_{ij})$. The bock matrix $A_{ij}$ is a robust estimator of the covariance matrix between $(Z_2'e_i)$ and $(Z_2'e_j)$. It is clear that this is the MOP effective F test when $k_2=1$, because $k_2=1$ implies $\Phi=\tr(W_2)$. As for the MOP test, we have the choice between a less computationally demanding but more conservative critical value, called simplified, and the generalized one. The function LewMertest computes only the simplified version by default. To obtain both, we set the argument simplified to FALSE.

LewMertest(mod3, simplified=FALSE)

The function is based on the Matlab code the authors provided with their paper. As for the other tests, the instruments are weak under the null hypothesis. And by weak, we mean that it is weak enough for the bias to exceed the bias of the benchmark by 10% (the selected $\tau$ by default). Therefore, we fail to reject the hypothesis that the instruments are weak in mod3 using both the simplified and generalized critical values.

Note that the critical values for the generalized approach are obtained by solving a maximization problem numerically. The function seems to have more than one local minimum, so the procedure is to solve the problem using random starting values and to keep the largest solution. The number of starting values is determined by the argument npoints. By default, it is equal to 10. The authors suggest 1000 in their Matlab code, but it seems that there is very little effect of going from 10 to 1000. We can see what happens if we increase the number of points.

LewMertest(mod3, simplified=FALSE, print=FALSE, npoints=1)$crit
LewMertest(mod3, simplified=FALSE, print=FALSE, npoints=20)$crit

Finally, note that the authors do not provide any method to obtain the critical values for the LIML estimator. These are only for TSLS.

Data Generating Process (for later use)

The following function is used to generate dataset with $k$ instruments and different level of strength. The DGP is

[ y_1 = \beta y_2 + u ] [ y_2 = \pi'Z + e\,, ]

where $Z\in\R^k$, $\Var(u)=\Var(e)=1$, $\Cor(e,u)=\rho$, $\pi_i=\eta$ for all $i=1,...,k$ and $Z\sim N(0,I)$. The $R^2$ of the first stage regression is therefore equal to

[ R^2 = \frac{k\eta^2}{k\eta^2+1}\,, ]

which implies

[ \eta = \sqrt{\frac{R^2}{k(1-R^2)}} ]

We can therefore set $R^2$ and $k$ and let the function get $\eta$.

getIVDat <- function(n, R2, k, rho, b0=0)
    eta <- sqrt(R2/(k*(1-R2)))
    Z <- sapply(1:k, function(i) rnorm(n))
    sigma <- chol(matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1),2,2))
    err <- cbind(rnorm(n), rnorm(n))%*%sigma
    y2 <- rowSums(Z)*eta+err[,2]
    y1 <- b0*y2 + err[,1]
    dat <- data.frame(y1=y1, y2=y2, u=err[,1], e=err[,2])
    for (i in 1:k) dat[[paste("Z",i,sep="")]] <- Z[,i]
k <- 10
rho <- .3
R2 <- .001
g <- y1~y2
n <- 500
h <- reformulate(paste("Z", 1:k, sep=""))
dat <- getIVDat(n, R2, k, rho)
m <- momentModel(g, h, data=dat, vcov="MDS")
## n: sample size
## N: number of endogenous
## K: number of Instruments
## Nx: number of exogenous regressors

genDat <- function(n=200, N=2, K=5, Nx=2)
    beta <- rep(1,N) 
    DL <- 0.08
    X <- qr.R(qr(matrix(rnorm(K^2),K,K)))
    L0 <- t(X[,1:N])
    Pi <- sqrt(K)*DL^0.5*L0
    Pi <- t(Pi)
    By <- rnorm(Nx+1)
    BY <- matrix(rnorm((Nx+1)*N), Nx+1, N)
    u <- rnorm(n)
    v <- matrix(rnorm(n*N), n, N)
    X <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(n*Nx), n, Nx), 1)
    Z <- matrix(rnorm(n*K), n, K)
    Y <- Z%*%Pi+X%*%BY+v
    y <- c(Y%*%beta+X%*%By+u)
    X <- X[,-ncol(X),drop=FALSE]    
    colnames(Y) <- paste("Y", 1:ncol(Y), sep="")
    colnames(X) <- paste("X", 1:ncol(X), sep="")
    colnames(Z) <- paste("Z", 1:ncol(Z), sep="")
    dat <-,X,Z))
    dat$y <- y
dat <- genDat()
m <- momentModel(y~Y1+X1+X2, ~Z1+Z2+Z3+Z4+Z5+X1+X2, data=dat,
LewMertest(m, simplified=FALSE, npoints=100)
MOPtest(m, estMethod="TSLS", simplified=FALSE)


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momentfit documentation built on June 26, 2024, 3 p.m.