Man pages for mosaicManip
Project MOSAIC ( manipulate examples.

mApproxPoly2Interactive applet for exploring fitting multivariate models
mBayesBinomInteractive applet to explore Bayesian estimates
mBiasInteractive applet to explore integrals as applied to...
mCIInteractive applets to explore confidence interval coverage
mDensityInteractive applet to explore density plots
mDerivsManipulate Applet for Displaying Functions
mEconInteractive applet to explore integrals as applied to...
mFitInteractive applet for term selection and nonlinear...
mFitExpInteractive applet for term selection and setting nonlinear...
mFitPolyInteractive applet for term selection and setting nonlinear...
mFitSigmoidalInteractive applet for term selection and setting nonlinear...
mFitSinesInteractive applet for term selection and setting nonlinear...
mGradInteractive applet for exploring gradients
mHistInteractive applet to explore histograms
mHypTestInteractive display for hypothesis testing concepts.
mInfluenceInteractive applet to explore influential points in linear...
mosaicManip-packageExample manipulate applets
mPowerInteractive applet to explore power of a hypothesis test
mPPInteractive applet for differential equation modeling.
mSDGameInteractive applet to explore the standard deviation
mSIRInteractive applet for exploring the SIR epidemic disease...
mTaylorInteractive Applet to Examine Taylor and Least Squares...
undocumentedUndocumented Objects
mosaicManip documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:48 p.m.