Man pages for munsellinterpol
Interpolate Munsell Renotation Data from Hue/Chroma to CIE/sRGB

hypotsqrt(a^2 + b^2) without under/overflow
IsWithinMacAdamLimitsIs Within MacAdam Limits
lab2xyzConvert CIE Lab coordinates to XYZ
labtoMunsellConvert CIE Lab coordinates into a Munsell specification
LuminanceFactorToMunsellValueConvert luminance factor to Munsell value
luv2xyzConvert CIE Luv coordinates to XYZ
luvtoMunsellConvert CIE Luv coordinates into a Munsell specification
MunsellHVCMunsell string to HVC
munsellinterpolation-internalInternal munsellinterpolation functions
MunsellRenotation1943 Munsell renotation data
MunsellToLabConvert a Munsell specification into CIE Lab coordinates
MunsellToLuvConvert a Munsell specification into CIE Luv coordinates
MunsellTosRGBConvert a Munsell specification into sRGB coordinates
MunsellToxyYConvert a Munsell specification into xyY coordinates
MunsellToXYZConvert a Munsell specification into CIE Luv coordinates
MunsellValueToLuminanceFactorConvert Munsell value to luminance factor
MunsellValueToLuminanceFactorASTMD153508Convert Munsell value to luminance factor, ASTMD 1535-08
OptimalColoursForIlluminantCTable with optimal colors
srgb2xyzConvert sRGB coordinates to XYZ
sRGBtoMunsellConvert sRGB coordinates into a Munsell specification
xyY2XYZConvert xyY coordinates to XYZ
xyYtoMunsellConvert xyY coordinates into a Munsell specification
xyz2labConvert XYZ coordinates to CIE lab
xyz2luvConvert XYZ coordinates to CIE Luv
xyz2srgbConvert XYZ coordinates to sRGB
XYZ2xyYConvert XYZ coordinates to xyY
XYZtoMunsellConvert XYZ coordinates into a Munsell specification
munsellinterpol documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:53 p.m.