Man pages for nclSLR
The nclSLR package.

admissionMBA admissions data.
airpollutionAir pollution data.
banknotesBanknote authentication data.
BostonHousing values in suburbs of Boston.
centipedesCounts of centipedes.
chapmanChapman data.
classifyClassification function
diabetesBlood and other measurements in diabetics.
diagnosticsGraphical diagnostics for arrays of MCMC output.
heptathlonHeptathlon data.
heptathlon_pointsHeptathlon points data.
linDALinear Discriminant Analysis
mahalanobis_scalePerform Mahalanobis transformation.
plasmaBlood screening data.
quaDAQuadratic Discriminant Analysis
stan_practical_dataData for the practical: The Stan programming language.
USArrestsViolent crime rates by US state with region.
nclSLR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:17 p.m.