Man pages for nonlinearAnalysis
R package for nonlinear time series analysis

buildTakensBuild the Takens' vectors
cliffordMapClifford map
corrDimCorrelation sum, correlation dimension and generalized...
dfaDetrended Fluctuation Analysis
estimateEstimate several chaotic invariants using linear regression
estimateEmbeddingDimEstimate the embedding dimension
FFTsurrogateGenerate surrogate data using the Fourier transform
findAllNeighboursneighbour search
gaussMapGauss map
henonHenon map
ikedaMapIkeda map
infDimInformation dimension
logisticMapLogistic map
lorenzLorenz system
maxLyapunovMaximum lyapunov exponent
neighbourSearchneighbour search
nonlinearityTestNonlinearity test
nonLinearNoiseReductionNonlinear noise reduction
nonLinearPredictionNonlinear time series prediction
poincareMapPoincare map
recurrencePlotRecurrence Plot
rosslerRossler system
rqaRecurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA)
sampleEntropySample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy)
sinaiMapSinai map
spaceTimePlotSpace Time plot
surrogateTestSurrogate data testing
timeLagEstimate an appropiate time lag for the Takens' vectors
nonlinearAnalysis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:11 p.m.