Man pages for operators
Additional operators and utilities for R

butModification of function arguments
decoratorCreates string decorators by repeating a pattern
filesRead or write an R object to/from a file
is.operatorUtilities for operators
notInNot in
oOnly keeps the macthing part of a regular expression
ofIs an object of a given class
operatorsReturn the names of defined operators
operators-packageAdditional binary operators
operator.typeReturn the type for a given operator.
patternPattern matching operators
patternDivisionDivide by a pattern
patternFilterRegular expression filters
patternSubstitutionRemove a pattern from a character vector
pipePipe an R object to a unix command
plusEqualPlus Equal Operators
setOperatorRegister a user-defined operator as a given operator type.
withOptionAlternative option mechanism
withoutRemove certain elements from a vector
operators documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m.