Man pages for optimx
Expanded Replacement and Extension of the 'optim' Function

axsearchPerform axial search around a supposed minimum and provide...
bmchkCheck bounds and masks for parameter constraints used in...
bmstepCompute the maximum step along a search direction.
checksolverTest if requested solver is present
coef.opmSummarize opm object
ctrldefaultset control defaults
fnchkRun tests, where possible, on user objective function
gHgenGenerate gradient and Hessian for a function at given...
gHgenbGenerate gradient and Hessian for a function at given...
grbackBackward difference numerical gradient approximation.
grcentralCentral difference numerical gradient approximation.
grchkRun tests, where possible, on user objective function and...
grfwdForward difference numerical gradient approximation.
grndA reorganization of the call to numDeriv grad() function.
hesschkRun tests, where possible, on user objective function and...
hjnCompact R Implementation of Hooke and Jeeves Pattern Search...
kktchkCheck Kuhn Karush Tucker conditions for a supposed function...
multistartGeneral-purpose optimization - multiple starts
opmGeneral-purpose optimization
optchkGeneral-purpose optimization
optimrGeneral-purpose optimization
optimxGeneral-purpose optimization
optimx-packageA replacement and extension of the optim() function, plus...
polyoptGeneral-purpose optimization - sequential application of...
proptimrCompact display of an 'optimr()' result object
RcgminAn R implementation of a nonlinear conjugate gradient...
RcgminbAn R implementation of a bounded nonlinear conjugate gradient...
RcgminuAn R implementation of an unconstrained nonlinear conjugate...
RvmminVariable metric nonlinear function minimization, driver.
RvmminbVariable metric nonlinear function minimization with bounds...
RvmminuVariable metric nonlinear function minimization,...
scalechkCheck the scale of the initial parameters and bounds input to...
snewtonSafeguarded Newton methods for function minimization using R...
summary.optimxSummarize optimx object
tnTruncated Newton minimization of an unconstrained function.
tnbcTruncated Newton function minimization with bounds...
optimx documentation built on June 14, 2019, 3:01 p.m.