Man pages for plantlist
Looking Up the Status of Plant Scientific Names based on The Plant List Database

acc_datThe accepted plant names from the Plant List
cnplants_datThe Chinese Plants Database
CTPLSearch Families Based on Scientific or Chinese Names of...
CTPL2Adding taxonomic and conservation information based on...
genera_datThe genera-family database for vascular plants
orders_datOrder-Family Database for Angiosperms
plantlist-packageLooking Up the Status of Plant Scientific Names based on The...
statusLooking for the taxonomic status of species
syn_datSynonyms database from The Plant List
taxa.tableMaking a Taxa Table based on the result of function TPL for...
TPLLooking up Family, Family Number and Order in Modern...
plantlist documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:45 p.m.