plot3Rrgl: Functions to plot multi-dimensional data using 'rgl'.

plot3Drgl-packageR Documentation

Functions to plot multi-dimensional data using rgl.


Package plot3Drgl provides an interface from package plot3D to package rgl.

It will plot most (but not all) features from plots generated with plot3D, except for the color keys and polygons.

It also also includes rgl implementations of 2-D functions (arrows, points, contours, images), which can be zoomed, moved, and sections selected.


Karline Soetaert

See Also

Functions from R-package plot3D.

Functions from R-package rgl.

  • For 3-D graphs:

    • plotrgl the main function that translates plot3D graphs to rgl.

  • For 2-D graphs:

    • arrows2Drgl creates 2-D arrow plots.

    • scatter2Drgl for point and line plots.

    • image2Drgl, contour2Drgl an rgl implementation of the image and contour functions.

Apart from the usual zooming, it is also possible to move the figure in the rgl window (based on an example in the rgl package).

Rectangular areas can be selected from rgl plots, using cutrgl while uncutrgl will restore the original plot.

plot3Drgl documentation built on June 17, 2022, 3 p.m.