API for plutils
Tools for plotting with style

Global functions
.graphparams Man page
.onLoad Source code
.plotoptions Man page
.plotparams Man page
Functions for updating parameter lists Man page
Internal functions Man page
Predefined parameter lists and options Man page
alphacol Man page Source code
classesWithMethod Man page Source code
firstclass<- Man page
is.simplist Man page Source code
lplot Man page
matching Man page Source code
ploptions Man page Source code
plotlegend Man page Source code
plotlegend.default Man page
plutils Man page
plutils-package Man page
rangexy Man page Source code
rangexy.default Man page
retagList Man page
simplist Man page Source code
splot Man page Source code
updateJoin Man page Source code
updateList Man page Source code
updateMissing Man page Source code
updateNULLs Man page Source code
plutils documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:53 p.m.