usagri: Price indices and implicit quantities of USA farm outputs and...

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This data set from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its Economic Research Service department contains USA agriculture's input and output quantities along with their respective price indices for 48 States.

All quantities are expressed in thousand US$1996 and prices are relative to Alabama 1996 = 1.




A data frame with 480 observations on the following 17 variables:

- p.livestock: Livestock and animal products' relative price (reference is 1 = Alabama 1996).
- States: 48 States of the USA identified with two capital letters.
- States.num: State number.
- Years: Year.
- q.livestock: Livestock and animal products' quantity, in thousand US$1996.
- q.crop: Crops' quantity, in thousand US$1996.
- q.other: Other farm-related productions' quantity, in thousand US$1996.
- Capital services' quantity, in thousand US$1996.
- Land services' quantity, in thousand US$1996.
- q.labor: Labor services' quantity, in thousand US$1996.
- q.materials: Total intermediate input quantity, in thousand US$1996.
- p.livestock: Livestock and animal products' relative price (reference is 1 = Alabama 1996).
- p.crop: Crops' relative price (reference is 1 = Alabama 1996).
- p.other: Other farm-related productions' relative price (reference is 1 = Alabama 1996).
- Capital services' relative price (reference is 1 = Alabama 1996).
- Land service flows' relative price (reference is 1 = Alabama 1996).
- p.labor: Labor services' relative price (reference is 1 = Alabama 1996).
- p.materials: Total intermediate inputs' relative price (reference is 1 = Alabama 1996).


Further details on the data and the different variables can be found in the references.



Ball V.E., Gollop F.M., Kelly-Hawke A., and Swinand G.P. (1999), Patterns of state productivity growth in the US farm sector: Linking state and aggregate models. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 81(1], 164–179.

Ball V.E., Hallahan C., and Nehring R. (2004), Convergence of productivity: An analysis of the catch-up hypothesis within a panel of states. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86(5), 1315–1321.



Example output

* Please cite the 'productivity' package as:
  Dakpo K.H., Desjeux Y. and Latruffe L. (2017). productivity: Indices of Productivity and Profitability Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). R package version 1.0.0.

See also: citation("productivity")

* For any questions, suggestions, or comments on the 'productivity' package, please make use of Tracker facilities at:

  States States.num Years q.livestock     q.crop    q.other
1     AL          1  1995   2337714.2   739062.5  283102.58  354651.17
2     AR          2  1995   3193048.8  2371826.4  429704.67  537686.22
3     AZ          3  1995    803493.8  1084022.2  210521.45  128892.76
4     CA          4  1995   6621218.3 15243448.1 1713674.85 1093105.68
5     CO          5  1995   2317063.3  1638410.8  341232.93  447202.58
6     CT          6  1995    257822.8   212440.8   22699.62   62009.99   q.labor q.materials p.livestock   p.crop   p.other
1  332805.31  893392.5   1934096.2   0.9121353 1.017826 0.9444931  1.000204
2  538132.83 1515417.2   2941084.8   0.9353597 1.031524 0.8678696  1.008363
3  796365.77  846322.3    862865.4   0.9937435 1.353221 0.9590677  1.013120
4 1734164.25 6459541.8   8005180.0   0.8109140 1.167812 1.1479886  1.038279
5  799891.38  940434.7   2448274.4   1.1303603 1.078417 1.0220975  1.026292
6   34530.33  278280.5    156044.7   0.8764995 1.177454 1.1122211  1.018623   p.labor p.materials
1 0.9199300 0.6088914   0.9678582
2 0.8272720 0.5560871   1.0860906
3 0.4921151 0.6045705   1.2420497
4 1.2143628 0.7712567   1.3902026
5 0.6854362 1.0967482   1.3295701
6 1.7486675 0.5721176   1.4224330
'data.frame':	480 obs. of  17 variables:
 $ States     : Factor w/ 48 levels "AL","AR","AZ",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ States.num : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ Years      : int  1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 ...
 $ q.livestock: num  2337714 3193049 803494 6621218 2317063 ...
 $ q.crop     : num  739063 2371826 1084022 15243448 1638411 ...
 $ q.other    : num  283103 429705 210521 1713675 341233 ...
 $  : num  354651 537686 128893 1093106 447203 ...
 $     : num  332805 538133 796366 1734164 799891 ...
 $ q.labor    : num  893393 1515417 846322 6459542 940435 ...
 $ q.materials: num  1934096 2941085 862865 8005180 2448274 ...
 $ p.livestock: num  0.912 0.935 0.994 0.811 1.13 ...
 $ p.crop     : num  1.02 1.03 1.35 1.17 1.08 ...
 $ p.other    : num  0.944 0.868 0.959 1.148 1.022 ...
 $  : num  1 1.01 1.01 1.04 1.03 ...
 $     : num  0.92 0.827 0.492 1.214 0.685 ...
 $ p.labor    : num  0.609 0.556 0.605 0.771 1.097 ...
 $ p.materials: num  0.968 1.086 1.242 1.39 1.33 ...
     States      States.num        Years       q.livestock     
 AL     : 10   Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :1995   Min.   :   9101  
 AR     : 10   1st Qu.:12.75   1st Qu.:1997   1st Qu.: 638755  
 AZ     : 10   Median :24.50   Median :2000   Median :1578579  
 CA     : 10   Mean   :24.50   Mean   :2000   Mean   :2040074  
 CO     : 10   3rd Qu.:36.25   3rd Qu.:2002   3rd Qu.:2651086  
 CT     : 10   Max.   :48.00   Max.   :2004   Max.   :8497604  
     q.crop            q.other        
 Min.   :   30916   Min.   :   1355   Min.   :   7351   Min.   :   4553  
 1st Qu.:  538533   1st Qu.:  90781   1st Qu.: 156055   1st Qu.: 228245  
 Median : 1641232   Median : 211941   Median : 439026   Median : 443274  
 Mean   : 2569397   Mean   : 300321   Mean   : 541151   Mean   : 667844  
 3rd Qu.: 3411798   3rd Qu.: 360098   3rd Qu.: 721845   3rd Qu.: 989376  
 Max.   :19386468   Max.   :2660368   Max.   :1927036   Max.   :4659258  
    q.labor         q.materials       p.livestock         p.crop      
 Min.   :  18189   Min.   :  12917   Min.   :0.7251   Min.   :0.6882  
 1st Qu.: 476307   1st Qu.: 630684   1st Qu.:0.9121   1st Qu.:0.9140  
 Median :1143619   Median :1810818   Median :0.9848   Median :1.0050  
 Mean   :1425889   Mean   :2100947   Mean   :1.0202   Mean   :1.0187  
 3rd Qu.:1902491   3rd Qu.:2566467   3rd Qu.:1.0929   3rd Qu.:1.1092  
 Max.   :8450988   Max.   :9451845   Max.   :1.7723   Max.   :1.6425  
    p.other          p.labor      
 Min.   :0.7400   Min.   :0.9725   Min.   :0.2313   Min.   :0.3963  
 1st Qu.:0.9855   1st Qu.:1.0383   1st Qu.:0.7432   1st Qu.:0.7400  
 Median :1.1042   Median :1.0890   Median :1.1365   Median :0.8716  
 Mean   :1.1318   Mean   :1.0921   Mean   :1.1625   Mean   :0.9307  
 3rd Qu.:1.2489   3rd Qu.:1.1405   3rd Qu.:1.4794   3rd Qu.:1.0649  
 Max.   :2.3025   Max.   :1.2376   Max.   :3.6316   Max.   :2.1105  
 Min.   :0.9165  
 1st Qu.:1.1757  
 Median :1.2875  
 Mean   :1.2965  
 3rd Qu.:1.4178  
 Max.   :2.0225  

productivity documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:44 p.m.