Man pages for qmao
Quantmod Add-on

AddCumDivAdd dividends back to price series
addVLineAdd vertical line to a quantmod chart
adjustIntraday.yahooAdjust intraday data for dividends and splits
alignSymbolsDelete rows that not all Symbols have in common
applyFilterFilter out bad prices
BAMExtract Bid, Ask, Mid columns or Bid, Ask, Mid, Trade columns
CBOEcalendarView the CBOE Expiration Calendar
ClOpClose to Open return
convert.illionsConvert string to number
dlPowerSharesdownload CSVs from way to ', lst)'
estAdget column containing Price
ExcludeDatesExclude one or more days from an xts object
ExcludeTimesExclude a 'timespan' from an xts object
gaaGet, Apply, Assign
getCalendarByGet a calendar over more than one time period from yahoo's...
get_divget dividend or split data
getDividendsCalendarGet dividends calendar from
getEarningsdownload historic earnings and earnings estimates for a given...
getEarningsCalendarGet the earnings calendar from yahoo
getEconomicCalendarGet the Economic Calender from or Yahoo.
getEPSGet historical Earnings Per Share of a stock
getHoldingsGet the holdings of an ETF
getHoldings.DirexionGet the holdings of Direxion ETFs
getHoldings.FirstTrustGet the holdings of First Trust ETFs
getHoldings.GlobalXGet the holdings of Global X ETFs
getHoldings.ipathGet the holdings of an iPath ETN
getHoldings.iSharesGet the holdings of iShares ETFs
getHoldings.iShares.caGet the holdings of Canadian iShares ETFs
getHoldings.powersharesGet the names and weights of the holdings of PowerShares ETFs
getHoldings.selectSPDRGet names and weights of the holdings of Select Sector SPDR...
getHoldings.SPDRGet names and weights of the holdings of SPDR ETFs
getHoldings.vaneckGet the holdings of a Van Eck ETF
getHoldings.WisdomTreeGet the holdings of Wisdom Tree ETFs
getMergersCalendarGet Calendar of Mergers
getQuote.BATSgetQuote from BATS
getQuote.googlegetQuote from Google
getSplitsCalendarGet Calendar of Splits
getSpreadDividendsGet Spread Dividends...
getSymbols.cfeLoad Data from the CBOE Futures Exchange website...
getSymbols.posgetSymbols from an environment
gsaGet, Subset, Assign
has.ChgCheck for Bid, Ask, Mid, and/or Trade columns in data
MakeStrictlyRegularMake an xts object strictly regular.
makeTestDataSplit data to create in-sample and out-of-sample data sets
MiBiAsChTrExtract Columns of Data from and xts object
PFMerge Adjusted prices (or returns of adjusted prices) of...
plot.batsbats class plot method
plot.depthdepth class plot method
plot.ladderladder class plot method
print.batsbats class print method
print.depthdepth class print method
print.ladderladder class print method
qmao-packageQuantmod Add-On
read.masterDATARead masterDATA csv
remove_zero_rowsRemove rows where specified column(s) has zero value...
shinyBATSshiny BATS quotes
SPDRSymbolsGet the ticker symbols of all SPDR ETFs
TimeOfDaySubsetSubset by time-of-day
qmao documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.