Man pages for ragram

anglesDifAngles differences of two SAR records
anglesKrigingSpatial interpolation of angles using kriging
coordsToMeterConvert coordinates to meter
disparityMapCalculated disparity map between two SAR records
disparityMapExpectedExpected (theoretical) disparity between two SAR records
geolocationPointsRetrieve geolocation points
GeolocationPoints-classGeolocation points class
getAverageWindow mean
getAverageCppWindow mean written in C++
heightRelRelative height
intersectionIntersection area between two SAR records
kiliSentinel-1 records of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
masterSentinel-1 records of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
plotAnglesPlot angles
plotAnglesDifPlot differences of two SAR records
plotBorderPlot border
plotGmapPlot google earth map
plotMapPlot map
plotOrbitNumberPlot orbit number
plotSARPlot SAR record
sadSum of absolute differences (SAD)
SAR-classSynthetic aperture radar (SAR) class
sarProjectProject SAR object
sarRecordCreate a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) object
sarSetCreate a set of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images
SARSet-classSAR set class
Sentinel-classSentinel class
slaveSentinel-1 records of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
spTransformspTransform for GeolocationPoints
ssdSum of squared differences (SSD)
TSX-classTerraSAR-X class
znccZero normalized cross correlation (ZNCC)
znccCppZero normalized cross correlation (ZNCC) written in C++
ragram documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:42 p.m.