quasiRNG: Toolbox for quasi random number generation

randsobolfortranR Documentation

Toolbox for quasi random number generation


the Sobol sequence.


sobol.fortran(n, dim = 1, init = TRUE, scrambling = 0, seed = NULL, normal = FALSE,
                   mixed = FALSE, method = "Fortran", mexp = 19937, start = 1,
                   maxit = 10)



number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the required number.


dimension of observations default 1.


a logical, if TRUE the sequence is initialized and restarts to the start value, otherwise not. By default TRUE.


a logical if normal deviates are needed, default FALSE.


an integer value, if 1, 2 or 3 the sequence is scrambled otherwise not. If scrambling=1, Owen type type of scrambling is applied, if scrambling=2, Faure-Tezuka type of scrambling, is applied, and if scrambling=3, both Owen+Faure-Tezuka type of scrambling is applied. By default 0.


an integer value, the random seed for initialization of the scrambling process (only for sobol with scrambling>0). If NULL, set to 4711.


a logical to combine the QMC algorithm with the SFMT algorithm, default FALSE.


a character string either "Fortran".


an integer for the Mersenne exponent of SFMT algorithm, only used when mixed=TRUE.


an integer to initiliaze the sequence, default to 1, only used when init=TRUE.


a positive integer used to control inner loops both for generating randomized seed and for controlling outputs (when needed).


The currently available generator are given below. Whatever the sequence, when normal=TRUE, outputs are transformed with the quantile of the standard normal distribution qnorm. If init=TRUE, the default, unscrambled and unmixed-SFMT quasi-random sequences start from start. If start != 0 and normal=FALSE, we suggest to use 0 as recommended by Owen (2020). One must handle the starting value (0) correctly if a quantile function of a not-lower-bounded distribution is used.

(scrambled) Sobol sequences

Computes uniform Sobol low discrepancy numbers. The sequence starts from k=1 when initialized with init = TRUE (default). When scrambling > 0, a scrambling is performed or when mixed = TRUE, a randomized seed is performed. If some number of Sobol sequences are generated outside [0,1) with scrambling, the seed is randomized until we obtain all numbers in [0,1). One version of Sobol sequences is available the current version in Fortran (method = "Fortran") since method = "C" is under development.

See the pdf vignette for details.


sobol.fortran generates random variables in [0,1). It returns a nxdim matrix, when dim>1 otherwise a vector of length n.


Christophe Dutang and Diethelm Wuertz


Bratley P., Fox B.L. (1988), Algorithm 659: Implementing Sobol's Quasirandom Sequence Generator, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 14, 88–100.

Joe S., Kuo F.Y. (1998), Remark on Algorithm 659: Implementing Sobol's Quaisrandom Seqence Generator.

Owen A.B. (2020), On dropping the first Sobol' point, https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.08051.


# (3) Sobol sequences

# uniform variate
sobol.fortran(n = 10, dim = 5, scrambling = 3)

randsobolfortran documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 3:07 p.m.