Man pages for rrp
Random Recursive Partitioning

addDistAdds constant to the elements of a dist object vector-wise
addXPtrAdds constant to the elements of a XPtr object vector-wise
applyXPtrApply facility for objects of class XPtr
DWDehejia-Wahba dataset
DWvsCPSDehejia-Wahba treated units versus CPS control individuals
DWvsPSIDDehejia-Wahba treated units versus PSID control individuals
LLLalonde dataset
LLvsCPSLalonde treated units versus CPS control individuals
LLvsPSIDLalonde treated units versus PSID control individuals
mulXPtrMultiplies the elements of a XPtr object by a constant...
newXPtrCreates a new XPtr object
NSWNational Supported Work (NSW) Demonstration data
rank.distrank-based dissimilarity matrix
rrp.classNonparametric nearest neighbor classification using RRP...
rrp.distRRP dissimilarity matrix
rrp.imputeNearest neighbor hot-deck imputation using RRP dissimilarity...
rrp.packageImplementation of the Random Recursive Partitionig algorithm
rrp.predictNonparametric nearest neighbor predictor using RRP...
setDistSets the elements of a dist object to a constant vector-wise
setXPtrSets the elements of a XPtr object to a constant vector-wise
STSmith-Todd dataset
STvsCPSSmith-Todd treated units versus CPS control individuals
STvsPSIDSmith-Todd treated units versus PSID control individuals
XPtrToDistCoercion from an XPtr object into a dist one
rrp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:25 p.m.