hist-methods: Methods for 'graphics' Function 'hist' in Package 'sampSurf'

Description Methods


The methods described here are for the hist generic as used in the sampSurf package. Several of the methods shown below have different arguments that customize each for a different class of objects found in this package. Method dispatch is based on the signature x argument.


Some arguments that are in the graphics::hist method are given default values in the calls below. Please refer to the graphics documentation for details.

signature(x = "downLogs")

Creates a histogram of any one of several down log attributes in the container collection as specified by the logAttr argument.


     logAttr = c('logLen','buttDiam','topDiam','logAngle','solidType','logVol',
     xlab = logAttr,
     main = NA,
     col = 'gray90',
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “downLogs”.

  • logAttr: Any of these can be used for the histogram.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to hist.

signature(x = "standingTrees")

Creates a histogram of any one of several standing tree attributes in the container collection as specified by the treeAttr argument.


     treeAttr = c('height','buttDiam','dbh','topDiam','solidType','treeVol',
     xlab = treeAttr,
     main = NA,
     col = 'gray90',
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “standingTrees”.

  • treeAttr: Any of these can be used for the histogram.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to hist.

signature(x = "izContainer")

Creates a histogram of inclusion zone areas for the objects in the container—this will work for all subclasses of “izContainer”.


     xlab = 'Inclusion Zone Area',
     main = NA,
     col = 'gray90',
     ... )
  • x: An object that is a subclass of “izContainer”, such as “downLogIZs”.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to hist.

signature(x = "InclusionZoneGrid")

Creates a histogram of the desired attribute for the object. Please note that it is not uncommon for the surface to be flat, which means all grid cells have the same value, so that a histogram is really meaningless. Use this on classes of objects where the surface (attribute estimate) varies within an individual inclusion zone.


     zeroTrunc = TRUE,
     estimate = 'volume',
     main = NA,
     xlab = NA,
     col = 'gray90',
     ... )
  • x: An object that is a subclass of “InclusionZoneGrid”.

  • zeroTrunc: TRUE: exclude background (zero) cells; FALSE: include them.

  • main: The title is blank by default.

  • xlab: The x label is taken from the estimate argument by default.

  • estimate: The attribute of interest that the histogram will represent.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to hist.

signature(x = "sampSurf")

Creates a histogram of the sampling distibution of the surface from the individual cell values.


     zeroTrunc = TRUE,
     xlab = x@estimate,
     main = NA,
     col = 'gray90',
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “sampSurf”.

  • zeroTrunc: TRUE: exclude all zero-valued background cells (default); FALSE: include all cells.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to hist.

Monte Carlo methods

signature(x = "mcsContainer")

Histograms of the relative error or volume variance over the collection are supported. Please note that this method applies to objects of class “antitheticContainer” as well.


     stat = c('relErrPct', 'volVar'),
     xlab = stat,
     main = NA,
     col = 'gray90',
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “mcsContainer”.

  • stat: Relative error in percent on volume (default), or variance on volume.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to hist.

sampSurf documentation built on March 5, 2021, 3:01 p.m.