horizontalLineIZ-methods: Methods for "'horizontalLineIZ'" object constuction in...

Description Methods


This is the one method for generic function horizontalLineIZ in Package sampSurf that allows for creation of objects of class "horizontalLineIZ."


signature(standingTree = "standingTree", angleGauge = "angleGauge", lineLength = "numeric")

Note that an object of class "lineSegment" will be constructed from the values passed in the lineLength and orientation arguments...


                 orientation = 0, 
                 description = 'inclusion zone for horizontal line sampling method',
                 spID = paste('hls',.StemEnv$randomID(),sep=':'),
                 spUnits = CRS(projargs=as.character(NA)),
                 ... ) 
  • standingTree: An object of class "standingTree" for which the inclusion zone is to be determined.

  • angleGauge: An object of class "angleGauge".

  • lineLength: The length of the line segment in the appropriate units (feet for “English”, meters for “metric”).

  • orientation: The line orientation clockwise from north as an azimuth in degrees.

  • description: A character vector description of the object.

  • spID: A unique identifier that will be used in displaying the spatial polygon for the inclusion zone component of the object.

  • spUnits: A valid CRS object specifying the Coordinate Reference System. This defaults to NA, which means you want to use your own user-defined system, say for a sample plot located in the field.

  • dots: Arguments to be passed on.

sampSurf documentation built on March 5, 2021, 3:01 p.m.