izGrid-methods: Methods for "InclusionZoneGrid" object construction in...

Description Methods


The following methods will construct valid objects of class "InclusionZoneGrid" (or subclass) for different sampling protocols or methods based on the "InclusionZone" of the first signature argument. Please see "The InclusionZoneGrid Class" vignette for more details and examples.


The following constructors all share the formal arguments (after the two signature arguments) defined in the standUpIZ method. Any additional arguments are listed where appropriate. The description argument, will of course be different for each method.

In addition, in what follows the constructor methods are organized by those applicable to sampling methods associated with (i) down logs, (ii) standing trees, and (iii) other.

Down log constructors...

signature(izObject = "standUpIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the stand-up protocol.


       description = 'standUpIZ inclusion zone grid object',
       wholeIZ = TRUE,  
       ... )
  • izObject: An object of class "standUpIZ."

  • tract: An object of class "Tract" or subclass.

  • description: A description of the object as a character string.

  • wholeIZ: TRUE: make a background grid covering the entire object including the stem and the inclusion zone; FALSE: make the grid cover just the inclusion zone.

  • ... : Other arguments to be passed along as described in the final constructor method below (matrix signature argumnent).

signature(izObject = "sausageIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the sausage method of sampling down logs. Everything is the same here as for the stand-up method above, with the exception of the first argument, which must be an object of class "sausageIZ".

signature(izObject = "chainSawIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the chainsaw method of sampling down logs. Everything is the same here as for the stand-up method above, with the exception of the first argument, which must be an object of class "chainSawIZ". Now, one important thing to keep in mind is that the inclusion zone for the chainsaw method is a point (within a grid cell), so setting wholeIZ=FALSE here will give just the one grid cell that corresponds to the plot center point as a background grid. Note: If you want to enumerate all cells withing a sausage-shaped inclusion zone under the chainsaw method, see instead the "csFullInclusionZoneGrid" class.

signature(izObject = "fullChainSawIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the full chainsaw method of sampling down logs. Everything is the same here as for the stand-up method above, with the exception of the first argument, which must be an object of class "fullChainSawIZ". Objects created by this constructor are of class "csFullInclusionZoneGrid," which is a subclass of "InclusionZoneGrid"

signature(izObject = "pointRelascopeIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the point relascope method of sampling down logs. Everything is the same here as for the stand-up method above, with the exception of the first argument, which must be an object of class "pointRelascopeIZ".

signature(izObject = "perpendicularDistanceIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the canonical PDS method of sampling down logs. Everything is the same here as for the stand-up method above, with the exception of the first argument, which must be an object of class "perpendicularDistanceIZ".

signature(izObject = "omnibusPDSIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the omnibus PDS method of sampling down logs. Everything is the same here as for the stand-up method above, with the exception of the first argument, which must be an object of class "omnibusPDSIZ" and the addition of the following argument...

signature(izObject = "distanceLimitedPDSIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the distance limited PDS (canonical, omnibus or hybrid) method of sampling down logs. Everything is the same here as for the "omnibusPDSIZ" method above, with the exception of the first argument, which must be an object of class "distanceLimitedPDSIZ". This method will also work for objects of class "omnibusDLPDSIZ" and "hybridDLPDSIZ".

signature(izObject = "distanceLimitedIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the distance limited method of sampling down logs. Everything is the same here as for the "omnibusPDSIZ" method above, with the exception of the first argument, which must be an object of class "distanceLimitedIZ".

signature(izObject = "distanceLimitedMCIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the distance limited Monte Carlo method of sampling down logs. Everything is the same here as for the "distanceLimitedIZ" method above, with the exception of the first argument, which must be an object of class "distanceLimitedMCIZ".

Standing tree constructors...

signature(izObject = "circularPlotIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the circular plot and is also used directly for "horizontalPointIZ" objects.

signature(izObject = "horizontalLineIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the horizontal line sampling ("horizontalLineIZ") method for standing trees.

signature(izObject = "horizontalPointMonteCarloSamplingIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for Monte Carlo subsampling coupled with the horizontal point sampling method for standing trees. It is applicable to objects of class "horizontalPointCMCIZ", "horizontalPointISIZ", and "horizontalPointCVIZ".

signature(izObject = "criticalHeightIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the critical height sampling ("criticalHeightIZ") method for standing trees.

signature(izObject = "importanceCHSIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the importance sampling variant to critical height sampling ("importanceCHSIZ") method for standing trees.

signature(izObject = "antitheticICHSIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the antithetic importance sampling variant to critical height sampling ("antitheticICHSIZ") method for standing trees.

signature(izObject = "pairedAICHSIZ", tract = "Tract")

This constructor is for the paired antithetic importance sampling variant to critical height sampling ("pairedAICHSIZ") method for standing trees.

Other constructors...

signature(izObject = "matrix", tract = "Tract")

There is no need to use this constructor unless you are perhaps developing a new sampling method for the package. It is a helper function with some standard code that is required for most methods. It is used to construct the encompassing background grid object.


       data = 0,
       useCrop = TRUE, 
       ... )
  • izObject: This must be a bbox matrix taken directly from the respective "InclusionZone" object.

  • tract: An object of class "Tract" or subclass.

  • data: A scalar value for the background cells in the encompassing bounding grid that will be created.

  • useCrop: TRUE: use the raster crop function; FALSE: use the alternative method (see the source code for details).

sampSurf documentation built on March 5, 2021, 3:01 p.m.