plot-methods: Methods for 'graphics' Function 'plot' in Package 'sampSurf'

Description Methods The “ArealSampling” Class The “InclusionZone” Class The “InclusionZoneGrid” Class The “izContainer” Class The “mirageInclusionZoneGrid” Class The “sampSurf” Class The “Stem” Class The “StemContainer” Class The “Tract” Class The “MonteCarloSampling” Class The “mcsContainer” Class


The methods described here are for the plot generic as used in the sampSurf package. Each of the methods shown below has different arguments that customize it for a different class of objects found in this package. Method dispatch is based on the signature x,y arguments, and often, the latter is "missing" so only the first argument is necessary to associate the appropriate method.


The methods below are catagorized by their main signature argument, which corresponds to one of the classes in package “sampSurf”.

The following arguments may be used in all of the routines below. They share the same definition in each method and are defined as...

Some of the routines may specify a different default for these depending upon the desired outcome. Obviously, the defaults can be overridden, and they can be used in routines where they are not explicitly part of the argument definition for the most part.

For the most part, the methods below are organized alphabetically in sections based on the class. The exception is the stem-based Monte Carlo subsampling methods, which are at the end (areal versions are, however, treated within the “InclusionZone” section).

The “ArealSampling” Class

signature(x = "ArealSampling", y = "missing")

The base method for this class, it only plots the location slot of subclass objects. Note that since “ArealSampling” is a virtual class, this method just provides very generic capabilities that will eventually be shared among all subclasses and will never therefore be called outright based on its signature (but only through callNextMethod).


     pchIZCenter = 20,
     izCenterColor = .StemEnv$izCenterColor,
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is a subclass of “ArealSampling”.

  • pchIZCenter: The pch parameter for the inclusion zone center.

  • izCenterColor: An R color to be used for the inclusion zone center point location.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot or points.

signature(x = "circularPlot", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "circularPlot".


     axes = FALSE, 
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     pchPlotCenter = 3, 
     showPlotCenter = FALSE,
     showPerimeter = TRUE,
     borderColor = .StemEnv$izBorderColor, 
     plotCenterColor = .StemEnv$izCenterColor, 
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “circularPlot” or any subclass that might eventually be defined.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the plot's inclusion zone.

  • pchPlotCenter: The pch value for the plot center.

  • showPlotCenter: TRUE: show the plot center; FALSE: do not plot it.

  • showPerimeter: TRUE: show the plot perimeter; FALSE: do not plot it. Please note that the only way to show the whole inclusion zone is to show th perimeter. If you want either the interior of the zone or the perimeter but not both, set the color for the one you do not want displayed to NA.

  • borderColor: An R color for the border/perimeter of the plot's inclusion zone.

  • plotCenterColor: An R color for the center point of the plot's inclusion zone.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot.

signature(x = "lineSegment", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "lineSegment".


     axes = FALSE, 
     pchLineCenter = 20,
     showLineCenter = FALSE,
     showLineSegment = TRUE,
     lineColor = .StemEnv$izBorderColor, 
     lineCenterColor = .StemEnv$izCenterColor,
     asp = 1,
     ... ) 
  • x: An object that is of class “lineSegment” or any subclass that might eventually be defined.

  • pchLineCenter: The pch value for the line center.

  • showLineCenter: TRUE: show the line center; FALSE: do not plot it.

  • lineColor: An R color for the line.

  • lineCenterColor: An R color for the line's center point.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot.

The “InclusionZone” Class

signature(x = "InclusionZone", y = "missing")

The base method for this class, it does not plot anything visible other than axes if desired; its role is to set up the extents of the plot from a subclass object's bounding box. Note that since “InclusionZone” is a virtual class, this method just provides very generic capabilities that will eventually be shared among all subclasses and will never therefore be called outright based on its signature (but only through callNextMethod).


     axes = FALSE,        
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is a subclass of “InclusionZone”.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot.

signature(x = "standUpIZ", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "standUpIZ".


     axes = FALSE, 
     showLog = TRUE,
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     izBorder = .StemEnv$izBorderColor,
     add = FALSE,  
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “standUpIZ” or any subclass that might be eventualy defined.

  • showLog: TRUE: plot the log object; FALSE: do not show it.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone.

  • izBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the inclusion zone.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

signature(x = "sausageIZ", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "sausageIZ".


     axes = FALSE,
     showLog = TRUE,
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     izBorder = .StemEnv$izBorderColor,
     add = FALSE, 
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “sausageIZ” or any subclass that might be eventualy defined.

  • showLog: TRUE: plot the log object; FALSE: do not show it.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone.

  • izBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the inclusion zone.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

signature(x = "chainSawIZ", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "chainSawIZ".


     axes = FALSE,  
     showLog = TRUE,
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     izBorder = .StemEnv$izBorderColor,
     showSliver = TRUE,
     ltySliver = 'dashed',
     sliverBorder = 'black',
     sliverColor = transparentColorBase('coral', .StemEnv$alphaTrans),
     showBolt = TRUE,
     ltyBolt = 'dotted',
     boltBorder =  transparentColorBase('grey20', .StemEnv$alphaTrans),
     add = FALSE,
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “chainSawIZ” or any subclass that might be eventualy defined.

  • showLog: TRUE: plot the log object; FALSE: do not show it.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone.

  • izBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the inclusion zone.

  • showSliver: TRUE: show the sliver intersection area; FALSE: do not show it.

  • ltySliver: The line type (see: par) for the delineation of the sliver.

  • sliverBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the sliver section.

  • sliverColor: An R color for the interior of the sliver section; remember, this will plot on top of the log interior color.

  • showBolt: TRUE: show the minimal bounding bolt area; FALSE: do not show it.

  • ltyBolt: The line type (see: par) for the delineation of the bounding bolt.

  • boltBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the bounding bolt section.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

signature(x = "pointRelascopeIZ", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "pointRelascopeIZ".


     axes = FALSE,    
     showLog = TRUE,
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     izBorder = .StemEnv$izBorderColor,
     add = FALSE,    
     asp = 1,
     showDualCenters = FALSE, 
     dcColor = .StemEnv$izBorderColor, 
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “pointRelascopeIZ” or any subclass that might be eventualy defined.

  • showLog: TRUE: plot the log object; FALSE: do not show it.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone.

  • izBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the inclusion zone.

  • showDualCenters: TRUE: mark the dual circle centers; FALSE: nothing.

  • dcColor: An R color for the dual circle centers.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

signature(x = "perpendicularDistanceIZ", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "perpendicularDistanceIZ" and subclasses (e.g., "omnibusPDSIZ").


     axes = FALSE,  
     showLog = TRUE,
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     izBorder = .StemEnv$izBorderColor,
     add = FALSE,  
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “perpendicularDistanceIZ” or subclass.

  • showLog: TRUE: plot the log object; FALSE: do not show it.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone.

  • izBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the inclusion zone.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

signature(x = "distanceLimitedPDSIZ", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "distanceLimitedPDSIZ" and subclasses (e.g., "omnibusDLPDSIZ" and "hybridDLPDSIZ"). Please note that the different components of the inclusion zone can be displayed to show the transition between protocols (if any). In addition, the overall "perpendicularDistanceIZ" zone can also be displayed, showing what the inclusion zone would look like if the entire log were treated under the PDS protocol.


     axes = FALSE,  
     showLog = TRUE,
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     izBorder = .StemEnv$izBorderColor,
     add = FALSE,  
     asp = 1,
     showFullPDSIZ = FALSE,
     showDLSPart = FALSE,
     showPDSPart = FALSE,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “distanceLimitedPDSIZ” or subclass.

  • showLog: TRUE: plot the log object; FALSE: do not show it.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone.

  • izBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the inclusion zone.

  • showFullPDSIZ: TRUE: display the full PDS inclusion zone (as if the log were sampled fully with PDS); FALSE: do not display it.

  • showDLSPart: TRUE: display the "distanceLimitedIZ" portion of the inclusion zone (if any); FALSE: do not display it.

  • showPDSPart: TRUE: display the "perpendicularDistanceIZ" portion of the inclusion zone (if any); FALSE: do not display it.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

signature(x = "distanceLimitedIZ", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "distanceLimitedIZ" and subclass "distanceLimitedMCIZ".


     axes = FALSE,  
     showLog = TRUE,
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     izBorder = .StemEnv$izBorderColor,
     add = FALSE,  
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “distanceLimitedIZ” or subclass.

  • showLog: TRUE: plot the log object; FALSE: do not show it.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone.

  • izBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the inclusion zone.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

signature(x = "circularPlotIZ", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "circularPlotIZ" as well as those of its subclass "horizontalPointIZ". In addition, the following subclasses derived from “horizontalPointIZ” also use this method: "horizontalPointCMCIZ", "horizontalPointISIZ", "horizontalPointCVIZ" "criticalHeightIZ", "importanceCHSIZ", "antitheticICHSIZ", and "pairedAICHSIZ".


     axes = FALSE,  
     showTree = TRUE,
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     izBorder = .StemEnv$izBorderColor,
     add = FALSE,  
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “circularPlotIZ” or subclass.

  • showTree: TRUE: plot the tree object; FALSE: do not show it.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone.

  • izBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the inclusion zone.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

signature(x = "horizontalLineIZ", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "horizontalLineIZ".


     axes = FALSE,  
     showLineSegment = TRUE,
     ltyLineSegment = 'dashed',
     showTree = TRUE,
     izColor = .StemEnv$izColor,
     izBorder = .StemEnv$izBorderColor,
     add = FALSE,
     asp = 1,
     ... ) 
  • x: An object that is of class “horizontalLineIZ”.

  • showLineSegment:TRUE: show the line segment; FALSE: do not show it.

  • ltyLineSegment: A valid lty value of the plot parameter.

  • showTree: TRUE: plot the tree object; FALSE: do not show it.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone.

  • izBorder: An R color for the border/perimeter of the inclusion zone.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

The “InclusionZoneGrid” Class

signature(x = "InclusionZoneGrid", y = "missing")

The base method for this class, it actually supplies all of the functionality for all existing subclasses, since the internal “InclusionZone” object will have its own plotting method (see above), which will automatically be used, and this object is all that really differentiates the objects of class "InclusionZoneGrid".


     axes = TRUE,
     gridColor = .StemEnv$blue.colors(1000),
     asp = 1,
     izColor = NA,
     gridLines = TRUE,
     gridLineColor = .StemEnv$gridLineColor,
     gridCenters = FALSE, 
     gridCenterColor = .StemEnv$gridCenterColor,
     estimate = names(c(.StemEnv$puaEstimates, .StemEnv$ppEstimates)),
     lwdGrid = 1, 
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “InclusionZoneGrid” or any subclass that might be eventualy defined.

  • gridColor: A valid R color for the background grid. Note that a single color is fine for most sampling methods, but for an inclusion zone whose surface varies within a single object like the “chainSawIZ”, you must supply a colorRampPalette in order to see the variation correctly.

  • izColor: An R color for the interior of the inclusion zone. Note that the default is set to NA so that no filling is done within the inclusion zone to show the grid more clearly.

  • gridLines: TRUE: show grid lines delineated for more emphasis on the individual grid cells; FALSE: no grid lines. Note that this can get busy if the area is too large.

  • gridLineColor: An R color for the grid lines.

  • gridCenters: TRUE: show grid cell centers within the individual grid cells; FALSE: no grid cell centers. Note that this can get busy if the area is too large.

  • gridCenterColor: An R color for the grid cell centers.

  • estimate: A character variable corresponding to the desired estimate attribute; these include 'volume', 'Length' (logs), 'Density', 'surfaceArea', 'coverageArea' (logs), 'basalArea' (trees), 'biomass' and 'carbon'. The sample 'depth' surface is now also available.

  • lwdGrid: The graphics parameter line width (see: par) for the grid lines.

  • ...: Other graphical arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects (i.e., “InclusionZone”, “downLog”).

The “izContainer” Class

signature(x = "izContainer", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot subclass objects of container class "izContainer", including both "downLogIZs" and "standingTreeIZs" . Note that arguments passed in this call that are destined for individual “downLogIZ” or “downLog” objects within the collection will apply to all objects of that class within the collection; similarly for standing tree components.


     axes = FALSE,  
     add = FALSE, 
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of subclass “izContainer”.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects.

The “mirageInclusionZoneGrid” Class

signature(x = "mirageInclusionZoneGrid", y = "missing")

This method will call the superclass method for the desired “InclusionZoneGrid” object (see below). Please see the superclass method for other arguments that can be passed on.


     tract = NULL,
     tractBorder = 'red',
     lwdTract = 1.25,
     showExtended = FALSE,
     showReflectedSlivers = FALSE,
     colReflections = 'blue',
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “mirageInclusionZoneGrid” or any subclass that might be eventualy defined.

  • tract: An object of class "mirageTract".

  • tractBorder: The color to be used to plot the tract border polygon.

  • lwdTract: The line width for the tract border polygon.

  • showExtended: TRUE: show the extended grid in the izGrid.extended slot of the object; FALSE: show the actual grid object with only cells internal to the tract.

  • showReflectedSlivers: TRUE: show the polygons associated with the external portions of the inclusion zone, but reflected back into the tract; FALSE: do not show these polygons.

  • colReflections: The color to be used in displaying the reflected sliver polygons if showReflectedSlivers=TRUE.

  • ...: Other graphical arguments to be passed on to superclass method, or to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual objects (i.e., “InclusionZone”, “downLog”).

The “sampSurf” Class

signature(x = "sampSurf", y = "missing")

This is the only extant method for plotting objects of class "sampSurf." It makes use of many of the plotting methods for the other objects in the sampSurf package, some of which also rely on plot methods from the raster package.


     showIZs = TRUE,
     izColor = NA,  
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “sampSurf” or any subclass that might be eventualy defined.

  • showIZs: TRUE: plot the inclusion zones on the surface; FALSE: just plot the surface.

  • izColor: This should always be NA or some very transparent color so the interior of the inclusion zones does not obscure the sampling surface details.

  • ...: Other graphical arguments to be passed on to the plot methods for the individual objects (e.g.., “Tract”, “InclusionZone”, “downLog”).

The “Stem” Class

signature(x = "Stem", y = "missing")

The base method for this class, it only plots the location slot of subclass objects. Note that since “Stem” is a virtual class, this method just provides very generic capabilities that will eventually be shared among all subclasses and will never therefore be called outright based on its signature (but only through callNextMethod).


     pchStemLocation = 20,    
     stemLocationColor = .StemEnv$logAttributeColor,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “Stem” or any subclass that might be eventualy defined.

  • pchStemLocation: The pch parameter for the location of the stem center.

  • stemLocationColor: The color for the symbol marking the stem/log location.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to points.

signature(x = "downLog", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "downLog".


     axes = FALSE, 
     logColor = .StemEnv$logColor,	 
     showLogCenter = FALSE,
     pchLogCenter = 3,     
     logCenterColor = .StemEnv$logAttributeColor,
     showNeedle = FALSE,
     logNeedleColor = .StemEnv$logAttributeColor,
     logBorderColor = .StemEnv$logBorderColor,   
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object of class “downLog” or any subclass that might eventually be defined.

  • logColor: An R color to be used for shading the log.

  • showLogCenter: TRUE: plot log center location; FALSE: do not plot it.

  • pchLogCenter: The pch value for the log center.

  • logCenterColor: An R color to be used for the log center point location.

  • showNeedle: TRUE: plot log ‘needle;’ FALSE: do not plot it.

  • logNeedleColor: An R color to be used for the log 'needle.'

  • logBorderColor: An R color to be used for drawing the perimeter of the log.

  • ...: Other graphical arguments to be passed on to plot.

signature(x = "standingTree", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of class "standingTree".


     axes = FALSE,
     treeColor = .StemEnv$treeColor,
     showLocation = TRUE,
     pchLocation = 3,       #20 is also good
     locationColor = .StemEnv$treeAttributeColor,
     treeBorderColor = .StemEnv$treeBorderColor,   #log perimeter color
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object of class “downLog” or any subclass that might eventually be defined.

  • treeColor: An R color to be used for shading the tree.

  • showLocation: TRUE: plot tree center location; FALSE: do not plot it.

  • pchLocation: The pch value for the tree center.

  • locationColor: An R color to be used for the tree center point location.

  • treeBorderColor: An R color to be used for drawing the perimeter of the tree.

  • ...: Other graphical arguments to be passed on to plot.

The “StemContainer” Class

signature(x = "StemContainer", y = "missing")

The base method for this class. Note that since “StemContainer” is a virtual class, this method just provides very generic capabilities that are shared among all subclasses and will never therefore be called outright based on its signature (but only through callNextMethod). Currently, it just sets up the overall extents for the plot area.


     axes = FALSE, 
     add = FALSE, 
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “Stem” or any subclass that might be eventualy defined.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on.

signature(x = "downLogs", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of container class "downLogs". Note that arguments passed in this call that are destined for individual “downLog” objects within the collection will apply to all logs within the collection.


     axes = FALSE,
     add = FALSE,
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “downLogs” or subclass thereof.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual downLog objects (please see above).

signature(x = "standingTrees", y = "missing")

This adds the necessary functionality to plot objects of container class "standingTrees". Note that arguments passed in this call that are destined for individual “standingTree” objects within the collection will apply to all trees within the collection.


     axes = FALSE,
     add = FALSE,
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “standingTrees” or subclass thereof.

  • ... : Other graphics arguments to be passed on to plot, or to the plot methods for the individual standingTree objects (please see above).

The “Tract” Class

signature(x = "Tract", y = "missing")

This method is the base plot method for objects of class "Tract" and subclasses. Because “Tract” objects are a subclass of "RasterLayer," all of the plotting is done through calls to those methods.


     axes = TRUE,  
     gridColor = .StemEnv$blue.colors(1000),
     asp = 1,
     useImage = TRUE,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “Tract” or subclass thereof.

  • gridColor: A valid R color for the background grid. Note that a single color is fine for initial blank grids, but you can also supply a function from colorRampPalette in order to see and surface variation that is in the tract correctly; this is the default in shades of blue.

  • useImage: TRUE: use the raster::image command to draw the tract (default); FALSE: use the raster::plot command instead, which gives the gradient legend. This is an option because the latter will not rezise the graphics correctly on a graphics window, though it is fine for a hardcopy and if you do not resize the device. This may be fixed in raster eventually (Dec-2010).

  • ...: Other graphical arguments to be passed on to raster::plot. In addition, one can add grid lines to the tract via arguments passed to gridCellEnhance.

signature(x = "bufferedTract", y = "missing")

This is the plot method for objects of class "bufferedTract" and subclasses. It essentially calls the bas “Tract” method for all of the work and adds the buffer.


     bufferColor = transparentColorBase('blanchedalmond', .StemEnv$alphaTrans),
     axes = TRUE, 
     gridColor = .StemEnv$blue.colors(1000),      
     lwd = 2,
     asp = 1,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “bufferedTract” or subclass thereof.

  • bufferColor: The color for the buffer area.

  • gridColor: A valid R color for the background grid. Note that a single color is fine for initial blank grids, but you can also supply a function from colorRampPalette in order to see and surface variation that is in the tract correctly; this is the default in shades of blue.

  • lwd: The line width for the border (see: par).

  • ...: Other graphical arguments to be passed on to raster::plot. In addition, one can add grid lines to the tract via arguments passed to gridCellEnhance.

The “MonteCarloSampling” Class

signature(x = "crudeMonteCarlo", y = "missing")

The “importanceSampling” and “controlVariate” sampling classes use this method as well.


     axes = FALSE,
     renderAs = c('profile', 'crossSection'),
     isHeightColor = .StemEnv$isHeightColor,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “crudeMonteCarlo” or subclass thereof.

  • renderAs: 'profile' to see the sampling locations along the stem in a profile view; 'crossSection' will display a cross-sectional view of the same information.

  • isHeightColor: A legal R color to use for drawing the sampling point locations.

  • ...: Other graphical arguments to be passed on to plot.

The “mcsContainer” Class

signature(x = "mcsContainer", y = "missing")

Display the true versus estimated volumes graphically. Please note that this method applies to objects of class “antitheticContainer” as well.


     xlab = 'Estimated volume',
     ylab = 'True volume',
     showDiagonal = TRUE,
     ... )
  • x: An object that is of class “mcsContainer”.

  • showDiagonal: TRUE: Plot the 1:1 line for reference.

  • ...: Other graphical arguments to be passed on to plot.

sampSurf documentation built on March 5, 2021, 3:01 p.m.