sausageIZ-methods: Method for "sausageIZ" object construction in Package...

Description Methods


This is the one method for generic function sausageIZ in Package ‘sampSurf’ that allows for creation of objects of class "sausageIZ."


signature(downLog = "downLog", plotRadius = "numeric")


          nptsHalfCircle = 50,         
          description = 'inclusion zone for dowed log "sausage" sampling method',
          spID = unlist(strsplit(tempfile('sausageIZ:',''),'\/'))[2],
          spUnits = CRS(projargs=as.character(NA)),
          ... )
  • downLog: An object of class "downLog" which the inclusion zone is to be determined for under the sausage method.

  • plotRadius: The radius of the circular fixed-area plot in the correct units: feet for "English" and meters for "metric."

  • nptsHalfCircle: The number of points to use in the half-circle at each end of the sausage-shaped inclusion zone for the polygon representation of the object.

  • description: A character vector description of the object.

  • spID: A unique identifier that will be used in displaying the spatial polygon component of the object.

  • spUnits: A valid CRS object specifying the Coordinate Reference System. This defaults to NA, which means you want to use your own user-defined system, say for a sample plot located in the field.

  • dots: Arguments to be passed on.

sampSurf documentation built on March 5, 2021, 3:01 p.m.