segmentVolume-methods: Methods for Function 'segmentVolume' in Package 'sampSurf'

Description Methods


There are three methods for the segmentVolume generic function keyed off the one object signature. Each of them share the same argument list, but with one argument having slightly different meanings between the methods. The method associated with list objects should not be used unless you know what you are doing. Please use the wrappers in the other two methods below, which set the correct list structure up, and call the list version to do all the calculations.


signature(object = "downLog")


              segBnds = c(low=0,  up=object@logLen),
              ... ) 
  • object: An object of class “downLog”.

  • segBnds: The lower and upper segment bounds in terms of log length in the correct units.

signature(object = "list")

Please do not use this method, use the other two which call it correctly...


              segBnds = NULL,
              ... ) 
  • object: An object of class “list”.

  • segBnds: The lower and upper segment bounds in terms of log length in the correct units. The default, NULL, will return total stem volume.

signature(object = "standingTree")


              segBnds = c(low=0,  up=object@height),
              ... ) 
  • object: An object of class “standingTree”.

  • segBnds: The lower and upper segment bounds in terms of tree height in the correct units.

sampSurf documentation built on March 5, 2021, 3:01 p.m.