Man pages for sampleSelection2
Sample Selection Models

binaryChoiceBinary choice models.
coef.selectionExtract Coefficients from Selection Models
fitted.selectionFitted Values of Selection Models
heckit2fit2-step Heckman (heckit) estimation
heckitVcovHeckit Variance Covariance Matrix
invMillsRatioInverse Mill's Ratio of probit models
linearPredictorsCalculates linear predictors for different models
model.frame.binaryChoiceData of Binary Choice Models
model.frame.selectionData of Selection Models
model.matrix.binaryChoiceDesign Matrix of Binary Choice Models
model.matrix.selectionDesign Matrix of Selection Models
Mroz87U.S. Women's Labor Force Participation
nlsworkNational Longitudinal Survey of Young Working Women
predict.probitPredict method for fitted probit models
predict.selectionPredict method for fitted sample selection models
RandHIERAND Health Insurance Experiment
residuals.probitResiduals of probit models
residuals.selectionResiduals of Selection Models
sampleSelection-internalInternal sampleSelection Functions
selectionHeckman-style selection and treatment effect models
SmokeSurvey Responses on Smoking Behaviour
summary.probitSummarizing Probit Estimations
summary.selectionSummarizing Selection Estimations
tobit2fitFitting Parametric Sample Selection Models
vcov.selectionExtract Variance Covariance Matrix
sampleSelection2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 p.m.