imrr: Imputation Rate for responded items IMRR

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s)

View source: R/imrr.R


Version of (imr) for responded items. Imputation rate due to changes in items which were initially responded. Indirect measure of the overall impact of the controls, i.e. of the error detection and localization followed by imputation.


imrr(r1ij, bij, gij, obsi = 1:nrow(gij), varj = 1:ncol(gij), weight)



(mandatory): A matrix containing the response indicators for a given dataframe. r1ij can be calculated using the function rind.


(optional): A matrix containing the structurally missingness indicators. bij can be calculated using the function smind. If the argument bij is missing, the indicator irr is calculated without considering a misingness indicators matrix.


(mandatory): A matrix containing the imputation indicators for a given dataframe. gij can be calculated using the function impind.


(optional): A vector with the observations in r1ij to to be processed. If the argument obs is missing, all observations are processed.


(optional): A vector with the variables (column numbers) to be considered for the calculation. If the argument varj is missing, all variables are considered for the indicator.


(optional): A vector of weights to be considered when calculating the indicator. If no weight vector is given as an argument, the indicator is calculated without considering different weights.


A list with the following elements: variables (variables), observations (observations), Indicator IMRR (imrr).


Beat Hulliger - Juan Berdugo

sdap documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:52 p.m.

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