standardizedCoefficients: Standardized Coefficients for Structural Equation Models

View source: R/standardizedCoefficients.R

standardizedCoefficientsR Documentation

Standardized Coefficients for Structural Equation Models


These functions calculate standardized regression coefficients for structural equation models. The function stdCoef is simply an abbreviation for standardizedCoefficients.


standardizedCoefficients(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sem'
    digits = getOption("digits"), oneheaded = TRUE, twoheaded = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'msem'
standardizedCoefficients(object, ...)




an object of class sem or msem returned by the sem function.


number of digits for printed output.


standardize path coefficients? Default is TRUE.


standardize variances and covariances? Default is TRUE.


arguments to pass down.


Returns a data frame with the coefficients, labelled both by parameter names and by arrows in the path diagram for the model. The msem (multigroup) method computes and prints the standardized coefficients for each group; it does not return a useful result.


John Fox and Adam Kramer


Bollen, K. A. (1989) Structural Equations With Latent Variables. Wiley.

See Also



# In the first example, readMoments() and specifyModel() read from the
# input stream. This example cannot be executed via example() but can be entered
# at the command prompt. The example is repeated using file input;
# this example can be executed via example(). 
    ## Not run: 
# Duncan, Haller, and Portes peer-influences model

R.DHP <- readMoments(diag=FALSE, names=c("ROccAsp", "REdAsp", "FOccAsp", 
                "FEdAsp", "RParAsp", "RIQ", "RSES", "FSES", "FIQ", "FParAsp"))
    .3269  .3669       
    .4216  .3275  .6404
    .2137  .2742  .1124  .0839
    .4105  .4043  .2903  .2598  .1839
    .3240  .4047  .3054  .2786  .0489  .2220
    .2930  .2407  .4105  .3607  .0186  .1861  .2707
    .2995  .2863  .5191  .5007  .0782  .3355  .2302  .2950
    .0760  .0702  .2784  .1988  .1147  .1021  .0931 -.0438  .2087
model.dhp <- specifyModel()
    RParAsp  -> RGenAsp, gam11,  NA
    RIQ      -> RGenAsp, gam12,  NA
    RSES     -> RGenAsp, gam13,  NA
    FSES     -> RGenAsp, gam14,  NA
    RSES     -> FGenAsp, gam23,  NA
    FSES     -> FGenAsp, gam24,  NA
    FIQ      -> FGenAsp, gam25,  NA
    FParAsp  -> FGenAsp, gam26,  NA
    FGenAsp  -> RGenAsp, beta12, NA
    RGenAsp  -> FGenAsp, beta21, NA
    RGenAsp  -> ROccAsp,  NA,     1
    RGenAsp  -> REdAsp,  lam21,  NA
    FGenAsp  -> FOccAsp,  NA,     1
    FGenAsp  -> FEdAsp,  lam42,  NA
    RGenAsp <-> RGenAsp, ps11,   NA
    FGenAsp <-> FGenAsp, ps22,   NA
    RGenAsp <-> FGenAsp, ps12,   NA
    ROccAsp <-> ROccAsp, theta1, NA
    REdAsp  <-> REdAsp,  theta2, NA
    FOccAsp <-> FOccAsp, theta3, NA
    FEdAsp  <-> FEdAsp,  theta4, NA

sem.dhp <- sem(model.dhp, R.DHP, 329,
    fixed.x=c('RParAsp', 'RIQ', 'RSES', 'FSES', 'FIQ', 'FParAsp'))
## End(Not run)
# The following example can be executed via example():

etc <- system.file(package="sem", "etc") # path to data and model files
(R.DHP <- readMoments(file=file.path(etc, "R-DHP.txt"),
				diag=FALSE, names=c("ROccAsp", "REdAsp", "FOccAsp", 
                "FEdAsp", "RParAsp", "RIQ", "RSES", "FSES", "FIQ", "FParAsp")))
(model.dhp <- specifyModel(file=file.path(etc, "model-DHP.txt")))
(sem.dhp <- sem(model.dhp, R.DHP, 329,
    fixed.x=c('RParAsp', 'RIQ', 'RSES', 'FSES', 'FIQ', 'FParAsp')))

sem documentation built on April 10, 2022, 3 a.m.