Man pages for spatialkernel
Nonparametric Estimation of Spatial Segregation in a Multivariate Point Process

00spatialkernel-packageThe Spatialkernel Package
areapolySigned Area of Polygon
cvloglkCross-Validated Log-Likelihood Function
dataLansing Woods Trees
filled.contour.polyLevel (Contour) Plots with Polygonal Boundary
kinhatInhomogeneous K-function Estimation
lambdahatKernel Density Estimation of Intensity Function
mcpat.testMonte Carlo Inference of Temporal Changes in Spatial...
mcseg.testMonte Carlo Test of Spatial Segregation in Multivariate Point...
metrePlot Color Level Metre
package.versionListing Loaded/Installed Package Versions
phatEstimate Type-Specific Probabilities
pinpolyCheck if Points are within Polygon
risk.colorsColor Palette
setkernelSelect Smoothing Kernel Function
spsegIntegrated Functions for Spatial Segregation Analysis
spatialkernel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:37 p.m.