Man pages for spectral.methods
Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) Tools for Time Series Analysis

calcFrequencyEstimate the frequency of a periodic signal
decomposeNcdfSpectrally decompose all time series in a netCDF datacube
filterTSeriesSSADecompose a vector (i.e. time series) into spectral bands
gapfillNcdfFill gaps in time series or spatial fields inside a netCDF...
gapfillNcdfCoreprocesshelper function for gapfillNcdf
gapfillSSAFill gaps in a vector (time-series) with SSA
groupSSANearestNeighbourGroup SSA eigentriples by finding nearest euclidian...
plotAdditionalAxisAdd a second plot axis with transformed label values
plotDecompositionPlot the results of a SSA decomposition
plotDecompSeriesVisualize/plot an overview of a SSA decomposed ncdf file.
plotGapfillCubePlot an overview of a the results of a SSA gapfilling (from a...
plotGapfillSeriesPlot an overview of a the results of a SSA gapfilling (from a...
plotPseudospectrumPlot and calculate the pseudospectrum of spectrally...
rbindModhelper function for gapfillNcdf
readNcdfSpectralRead the results of a spectral decomposition (from a netCDF...
spectral.methods-packageSingular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) Tools for Time Series...
spectral.methods documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:20 p.m.