Man pages for sqlsurvey
analysis of very large complex survey samples (experimental)

sqlhexbinScatterplots for large surveys
sqlmodelmatrixCreate model matrix in a SQL table
sqlocpolySmoothing and density estimation for large surveys
sqlrepsurveyLarge survey with replicate weights, based on SQL database
sqlsubstSubstitute variables into a text string
sqlsurveyLarge survey design based on SQL database
sqlvarHorvitz-Thompson estimator for multistage sampling
subset.sqlsurveySubsets of large survey designs
svylmLinear regression models
svyloglin.sqlrepsurveyLoglinear models and tests of independence.
svymean.sqlsurveyMeans and totals
svyquantile.sqlsurveyProbability-weighted quantiles
update.sqlsurveyAdd variables to survey objects
sqlsurvey documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:53 p.m.