Man pages for ssa
Singular Spectrum Analysis

adp.mtmPerforms Adaptive multi-taper method on a time series
btpsdBlackman-Tukey spectral density estimate
centerCentering of a series
detrendDetrend a time series
fromCross~~function to do ... ~~
hankelApply Hankel operator to a time series
identIdentity function
is.evenDivisibility by 2
mem.specMaximum-entropy spectral estimate
mtmMulti-taper method
rconv~~function to do ... ~~
sincosFourier SSA
ssaApply Hankel operator to a time series
ssa_transEquivalence classes for the transitive closure of a matrix
warshallWarshall's algorithm
ssa documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.