Man pages for stocks
Stock Market Analysis

balancesCalculate Balances Based on Initial Balance and Vector of...
beta_trailing50Beta for Last 50 Daily Gains
contango_hedgedImplement a Hedged Contango-Based Volatility Trading Strategy
contango_simpleImplement a Simple Contango-Based Volatility Trading Strategy
convert_rateConvert Gain from One Time Interval to Another
daily_yearlyConvert Daily Gain to X-year Gain
diffsLagged Differences (Alternate Implementation)
final_balanceCalculate Final Balance Based on Initial Balance and Vector...
gains_graphCreate Scatterplot of Investment Gains
gains_rateCalculate Growth Rate From a Vector of Investment Gains
growth_graphGraph Investment Growth
highyield_etfsHigh-Yield ETFs from and Inception Dates as of Oct....
largest_etfs_10_18_17Largest 100 Market Cap ETFs and Inception Dates as of Oct....
largest_etfs_4_9_17Largest 100 Market Cap ETFs and Inception Dates as of April...
list_overrideAdd/Replace Elements of First List with Elements of Second...
load_gainsDownload and Align Investment Gains for a Set of Tickers
load_pricesDownload and Align Historical Prices for a Set of Tickers
mddMaximum Drawdown
metricsCalculate a Variety of Performance Metrics
negReturn Negative Elements of a Numeric Vector
nonnegReturn Non-Negative Elements of a Numeric Vector
nonposReturn Non-Positive Elements of a Numeric Vector
onemetric_graphGraph Performance Metric
onemetric_overtime_graphGraph Performance Metric Over Time
pchangesLagged Proportion/Percent Changes
pdiffsLagged Proportion/Percent Differences
posReturn Positive Elements of a Numeric Vector
prices_rateCalculate Growth Rate From a Vector of Stock Prices or...
ratiosRatios of Subsequent Elements in a Numeric Vector
rrrRisk-Return Ratio
sector_spdr_etfsSector SPDR ETFs and Inception Dates as of Oct. 18, 2017
sharpe_ratioSharpe Ratio
sortino_ratioSortino Ratio
stocks-packageStock Market Analysis
targetall_nfundsImplement a Fixed-Allocation Trading Strategy Using N Funds
targetbeta_twofundsImplement a Two-Fund Strategy that Targets a Particular Beta
threefunds_graphGraph One Performance Metric vs. Another for Three-Fund...
ticker_datesGet Yahoo! Finance Start/End Dates for One or More Tickers
twofunds_graphGraph One Performance Metric vs. Another for Two-Fund...
twometrics_graphGraph One Performance Metric vs. Another
vanguard_balanced_fundsVanguard Balanced Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as of Oct....
vanguard_bond_etfsVanguard Bond ETFs and Inception Dates as of Oct. 18, 2017
vanguard_bond_fundsVanguard Bond Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as of Oct. 18,...
vanguard_etfsVanguard ETFs and Inception Dates as of Oct. 18, 2017
vanguard_fundsVanguard Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as of Oct. 18, 2017
vanguard_igrade_etfsVanguard Investment-grade Bond ETFs and Inception Dates as of...
vanguard_igrade_fundsVanguard Investment-grade Bond Mutual Funds and Inception...
vanguard_international_etfsVanguard International ETFs and Inception Dates as of Oct....
vanguard_international_fundsList of Vanguard International Mutual Funds and Inception...
vanguard_largecap_etfsVanguard Large-cap Stock ETFs and Inception Dates as of Oct....
vanguard_largecap_fundsVanguard Large-cap Stock Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as...
vanguard_midcap_etfsVanguard Mid-cap Stock ETFs and Inception Dates as of Oct....
vanguard_midcap_fundsVanguard Mid-cap Stock Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as of...
vanguard_sector_etfsVanguard Sector & Specialty ETFs and Inception Dates as of...
vanguard_sector_fundsVanguard Sector Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as of Oct....
vanguard_smallcap_etfsVanguard Small-cap Stock ETFs and Inception Dates as of Oct....
vanguard_smallcap_fundsVanguard Small-cap Stock Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as...
vanguard_stock_etfsVanguard Stock ETFs and Inception Dates as of Oct. 18, 2017
vanguard_stock_fundsVanguard Stock Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as of Oct....
vanguard_targetdate_fundsVanguard Target Date Mutual Funds as of Oct. 18, 2017
vanguard_targetrisk_fundsVanguard Target Risk Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as of...
vanguard_taxexempt_bond_fundsVanguard Tax-exempt Bond Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as...
vanguard_traditional_fundsVanguard Traditional Mutual Funds and Inception Dates as of...
vanguard_treasury_etfsVanguard Treasury/Agency Bond ETFs as of Oct. 18, 2017
vanguard_treasury_fundsVanguard Treasury/Agency Bond Mutual Funds and Inception...
yearly_dailyConvert X-year Gain to Average Daily Gain
zzzDaily Closing Prices for Imaginary Stock ZZZ Over 10 Years
stocks documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:22 p.m.