husO104Hosp: Hospitalization date for HUS cases of the STEC outbreak in...

husO104HospR Documentation

Hospitalization date for HUS cases of the STEC outbreak in Germany, 2011


Data contain the date of hospitalization for 630 hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) cases during the large STEC outbreak in Germany, 2011. Note: Only HUS cases which ultimately had a hospitalization date available/reported are included in the data set. The total number of HUS cases during the outbreak was 855 – see Höhle and an der Heiden (2014) as well as Frank et al. (2011) for details.

For each HUS case the attribute dHosp contains the date of hospitalization and the attribute dReport contains the date of first arrival of this hospitalization date at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). As described in Höhle and an der Heiden (2014) the mechanisms of the delay were complicated and should be interpreted with care. For example, the case report could have arrived earlier, but without information about the hospitalization date.

The resulting reporting triangle corresponds to Fig. 1 of the Web appendix of Höhle and an der Heiden (2014). This means that the reports which arrived with a delay longer than 15 days are set to have have arrived after 15 days. Altogether, this gives small discrepancies when compared with the results of the paper. However, as mentioned in the paper, longer delays were not very relevant for the nowcasting.




A data.frame object.


Data were collected during the outbreak as part of the mandatory reporting of notifiable diseases in Germany (Faensen et al., 2006). Here, reports are transmitted from the local health authorities via the state health authorities to the Robert Koch Institute, Berlin. The resulting reporting triangle corresponds to Fig. 1 of the Web appendix of Höhle and an der Heiden (2014).


Höhle M and an der Heiden, M (2014). Bayesian Nowcasting during the STEC O104:H4 Outbreak in Germany, 2011, In revision for Biometrics.

Frank C, Werber D, Cramer JP, Askar M, Faber M, an der Heiden M, Bernard H, Fruth A, Prager R, Spode A, Wadl M, Zoufaly A, Jordan S, Kemper MJ, Follin P, Müller L, King LA, Rosner B, Buchholz U, Stark K, Krause G; HUS Investigation Team (2011). Epidemic Profile of Shiga-Toxin Producing Escherichia coli O104:H4 Outbreak in Germany, N Engl J Med. 2011 Nov 10;365(19):1771-80.

Faensen D, Claus H, Benzler J, Ammon A, Pfoch T, Breuer T, Krause G (2014). SurvNet@RKI - a multistate electronic reporting system for communicable diseases, Euro Surveillance, 2006;11(4):100-103.

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