Man pages for tscount
Analysis of Count Time Series

campyCampylobacter Infections Time Series
countdistrCount Data Distributions
ecoliE. coli Infections Time Series
ehecEHEC Infections Time Series
influenzaInfluenza Infections Time Series
ingarch.analyticalAnalytical Mean, Variance and Autocorrelation of an INGARCH...
interv_covariateDescribing Intervention Effects for Time Series with...
interv_detect.tsglmDetecting an Intervention in Count Time Series Following...
interv_multiple.tsglmDetecting Multiple Interventions in Count Time Series...
interv_test.tsglmTesting for Interventions in Count Time Series Following...
invertinfoCompute a Covariance Matrix from a Fisher Information Matrix
marcalPredictive Model Assessment with a Marginal Calibration Plot
measlesMeasles Infections Time Series
pitPredictive Model Assessment with a Probability Integral...
plot.interv_detectPlot Test Statistic of Intervention Detection Procedure for...
plot.interv_multiplePlot for Iterative Intervention Detection Procedure for Count...
plot.tsglmDiagnostic Plots for a Fitted GLM-type Model for Time Series...
predict.tsglmPredicts Method for Time Series of Counts Following...
QICQuasi Information Criterion of a Generalised Linear Model for...
residuals.tsglmResiduals of a Generalised Linear Model for Time Series of...
scoringPredictive Model Assessment with Proper Scoring Rules
se.tsglmStandard Errors of a Fitted Generalised Linear Model for Time...
summary.tsglmSummarising Fits of Count Time Series following Generalised...
tscount-packageAnalysis of Count Time Series
tsglmCount Time Series Following Generalised Linear Models
tsglm.simSimulate a Time Series Following a Generalised Linear Model
tscount documentation built on May 11, 2023, 3:04 p.m.