Man pages for AffyCompatible
Affymetrix GeneChip software compatibility

accessors-NetAffxResourceAccess NetAffxResource-class content
AffyCompatible-classVirtual classes defining the "AffyCompatibility" hierarchy
AffyCompatible-packageAffymetrix chip annotation and sample attribute management
NetAffxResourceCreate and access a NetAffxResource database
NetAffxResource-classManage NetAffx annotations
readArrRead ARR sample attribute files
readMageRead DTT (MAGE) sample attribute files
readNetAffxUpdate or read a NetAffx data base
readXml(Advanced) Read XML files of Affymetrix sample attriubtes or...
xclass(Advanced) Construct R objects from XML document queries
zzzAdditional functions defined in AffyCompatible
zzz-ARRCompatibility-class(Auto-generated) classes and methods for navigating ARR...
zzz-DTTCompatibility-class(Auto-generated) classes and methods for navigating DTT...
zzz-NetAffxCompatibility-class(Auto-generated) classes and methods for navigating NetAffx...
zzz-.TypedAssociation-class(Internal) Represent 'typed associations' from XML documents
AffyCompatible documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:15 p.m.