Man pages for BrainSABER
Brain Span Atlas in Biobase Expressionset R toolset

buildAIBSARNAFunction to create a SummarizedExperiment containing...
CellScabbardThe CellScabbard class
CellScabbard-methodsMethods for the CellScabbard class
getExampleVectorGet an example vector for specified genes
getRelevantGenesGet a subset of AIBSARNA using a Gene Expression Vector
getSimDataFrameGet Age, Structure Acronym, and Similarity Scores Data Frame
getSimMatrixGet Age, Structure Acronym, and Similarity Score Matrix
getSimScoresGet Similarity Scoring for a Gene Expression Vector
getTrimmedExternalSetGet a trimmed version of an external data set
BrainSABER documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:28 p.m.