Man pages for BridgeDbR
Code for using BridgeDb identifier mapping framework from within R

BridgeDbRBridgeDBR Package.
fullNameExistsDetermines if the full name corresponds to any known data...
getAttributesReturns the attributes of the given identifier.
getBridgeNamesMethod to list the BridgeDb identifier mapping file names as...
getDatabaseDownloads a identifier mapping database for the given...
getDataSourceReturn a DataSource object based on either a name or system...
getFullNameReturn the name of a particular data source.
getMatchingSourcesReturn a list of data sources of which the identifier pattern...
getOrganismCodeReturn the code of a particular organism.
getPropertiesBridgeDb database properties.
getSystemCodeReturn the system code of a particular data source.
loadDatabaseLoads a BridgeDb identifier mapping database (.bridge file)...
mapConverts one identifier into other identifiers for the given...
mapsConverts multiple identifiers into other identifiers for the...
registerDataSourceRegisters a new DataSource based on the given name or system...
systemCodeExistsDetermines if the system code corresponds to any known data...
BridgeDbR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:09 p.m.