Man pages for CSAR
Statistical tools for the analysis of ChIP-seq data

ChIPseqScoreCalculate read-enrichment scores for each nucleotide position
CSAR-packageStatistical tools for the analysis of ChIP-seq data
distance2GenesCalculate relative positions of read-enriched regions...
genesWithPeaksProvide table of genes with read-enriched regions, and their...
getPermutatedWinScoresObtain the read-enrichment score distribution under the null...
getThresholdCalculate the threshold value corresponding to control FDR at...
loadMappedReadsLoad mapped reads
mappedReads2NhitsCalculate number of overlapped extended reads per nucleotide...
permutatedWinScoresCalculate scores for permutated read-enriched regions
sampleSEP3_testPartial dataset of a ChIP-seq experiment
score2wigSave the read-enrichment scores at each nucleotide position...
sigWinCalculate regions of read-enrichment
CSAR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:50 p.m.