Man pages for Doscheda
A DownStream Chemo-Proteomics Analysis Pipeline

boxplot-ChemoProtSet-methodDefault boxplot for objects of class ChemoProtSet
ChemoProtSet-classAn S4 class to run the doscheda pipeline
corrPlot-methodsPlot showing correlation between all channels across...
densityPlot-methodsDensity plot for objects of class ChemoProtSet
doschedaDoscheda: A package for Down Stream Chemo-Proteomics Data...
doschedaAppRun shiny application for DOSCHEDA
doschedaDataPeptide Intensity data set for Doscheda
fitModel-methodsMethod to fit a model to an object of class 'ChemoProtSet'
getDatasets-methodsAccessor function for the datasets slot.
getFinal-methodsAccessor function for the finalData slot.
getInput-methodsAccessor function for the Input
getNorm-methodsAccessor function for the normData
getParameters-methodsAccessor function for the parameters slot.
makeReportCreate report from 'ChemProtSet' object
meanSdPlot-methodsMeanSd plot for objects of class ChemoProtSet
pcaPlot-methodsPCA of the main data sets contained in a object of class...
plot.ChemoProtSetDefault plot for objects of class ChemoProtSet
processedExampleProcessed Peptide Intensity data set for Doscheda
removePeptides-methodsMethod to remove peptides from input data of an object of...
replicatePlot-methodsPlot replicates between concentrations
runDoschedaWrapper Function to run the entire Doscheda pipeline
runNormalisation-methodsMethod to remove peptides from input data of an object of...
setData-methodsMethod for attaching and standardising data for objects of...
setParameters-methodsMethod to set parameters for a ChemoProtSet
volcanoPlot-methodsVolcano plot for objects of class ChemoProtSet
Doscheda documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:37 p.m.